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15/09/2023 342

Children learn to construct language from those around them. Until about the age of three, children tend to learn to develop their language by modeling the speech of their parents, but from that time on, peers have a growing influence as models for language development in children. It is easy to observe that, when adults and older children interact with younger children, they tend to modify their language to improve children communication with younger children, and this modified language is called caretaker speech.

Caretaker speech is used often quite unconsciously; few people actually study how to modify language when speaking to young children but, instead, without thinking, find ways to reduce the complexity of language in order to communicate effectively with young children. A caretaker will unconsciously speak in one way with adults and in a very different way with young children. Caretaker speech tends to be slower speech with short, simple words and sentences which are said in a higher-pitched voice with exaggerated inflections and many repetitions of essential information. It is not limited to what is commonly called baby talk, which generally refers to the use of simplified, repeated syllable expressions, such as ma-ma, boo-boo, bye-bye, wa-wa, but also includes the simplified sentence structures repeated in sing-song inflections. Examples of these are expressions such as “ say bye-bye” or “where’s da-da?”

Caretaker speech serves the very important function of allowing young children to acquire language more easily. The higher-pitched voice and the exaggerated inflections tend to focus the small child on what the caretaker is saying, the simplified words and sentences make it easier for the small child to begin to comprehended, and the repetitions reinforce the child’s developing understanding. Then, as a child’s speech develops, caretakers tend to adjust their language in the response to the improved language skills, again quite unconsciously. Parents and older children regularly adjust their speed to a level that is slightly above that of a younger child; without studied recognition of what they are doing, these caretakers will speak in one way to a one-year-ago and in a progressively more complex way as the child reaches the age of two or three.

An important point to note is that the function covered by caretaker speech, that of assisting a child to acquire language in small and simple steps, is an unconsciously used but extremely important part of the process of language acquisition and as such is quite universal. It is not merely a device used by English-speaking parents. Studying cultures where children do not acquire language through caretaker speech is difficult because such cultures are not difficult to find. The question of why caretaker speech is universal is not clear understood; instead proponents on either side of the nature vs. nature debate argue over whether caretaker speech is a natural function or a learned one. Those who believe that caretaker speech is a natural and inherent function in humans believe that it is human nature for children to acquire language and for those around them to encourage their language acquisition naturally; the presence of a child is itself a natural stimulus that increases the rate of caretaker speech develops through nurturing rather than nature argue that a person who is attempting to communicate with a child will learn by trying out different ways of communicating to determine which is the most effective from the reactions to the communication attempts; apparent might, for example, learn to use speech with exaggerated inflections with a small child because the exaggerated inflections do a better job of attracting the child’s attention than do more subtle inflections. Whether caretaker speech results from nature or nurture, it does play an important and universal role in child language acquisition.

According to paragraph 1, children over the age of three

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Theo đoạn văn 1, trẻ con hơn 3 tuổi thì

A. học một chút ngôn ngữ về những thứ xung quanh chúng.

B. không còn bị ảnh hưởng bởi ngôn ngữ của bố mẹ chúng.

C. bị ảnh hưởng ngày càng nhiều hơn bởi những người gần với độ tuổi của chúng.

D. lần đầu bắt đầu phản hồi lại ngôn ngữ đã được biến đổi để phù hợp với trẻ.

Dẫn chứng: Until about the age of three, children tend to learn to develop their language by modeling the speed of their parents, but from that time on, peers have a growing influence as models for language development in children.

=> Chọn C

Câu hỏi cùng đoạn

Câu 2:

The word “modeling” in paragraph 1 could best replaced by

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Từ “modeling” ở đoạn 1 có thể được thay thế tốt nhất bởi

Demonstrating: minh họa

Mimicking: bắt chước

Building: xây dựng

Designing: thiết kế

Dẫn chứng: Until about the age of three, children tend to learn to develop their language by modeling the speech of their parents,

[ Khoảng 3 tuổi trẻ con có xu hướng học phát triển ngôn ngữ bằng cách bắt chước những gì bố mẹ chúng nói.]

=> modeling = mimicking

=> Chọn B

Câu 3:

It can be inferred from part.2 that people generally seem

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Có thể suy ra từ đoạn 2 rằng con người nhìn chung có vẻ như

A. Có thể nuôi dưỡng ngôn ngữ của họ đến mức ngôn ngữ của một đứa trẻ mà không cần suy nghĩ có ý thức về nó.

B. Khá ý thức về việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ đã được biển đổi để trẻ con hiểu

C. Có khó khăn trong việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ đã được biển đổi để trẻ con hiểu.

D. Để sử dụng ngôn ngữ đã được biển đổi để trẻ con hiểu có ý thức bằng cách giảm đi sự phức tạp trong ngôn ngữ của họ.

Dẫn chứng: Caretaker speech is used often quite unconsciously; few people actually study how to modify language when speaking to young children but, instead, without thinking, find ways to reduce the complexity of language in order to communicate effectively with young children.

=> Chọn A

Câu 4:

All of the following are mentioned in par.3 as characteristics of caretaker speech EXCEPT

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Tất cả những ý sau được đề cập ở đoạn 3 như là đặc điểm của ngôn ngữ người chăm sóc NGOẠI TRỪ

A. Quá nhấn mạnh sự uốn cong

B. Việc sử dụng âm thanh có vần điệu

C. Xu hướng tự lặp đi lặp lại

D. Việc sử dụng những từ và cấu trúc dễ hơn.

Dẫn chứng: The higher-pitched voice and the exaggerated inflections tend to focus the small child on what the caretaker is saying, => loại A

the simplified words and sentences make it easier for the small child to begin to comprehended,=> loại D

and the repetitions reinforce the child’s developing understanding. => loại C

=> Chọn B

Câu 5:

It is indicated in paragraph 3 that parents tend to

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Nó được chỉ ra ở đoạn 3 rằng bố mẹ có xu hướng

A. Nói về cơ bản cùng cách thức với trẻ 1 tuổi và 3 tuổi

B. Việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ vượt xa trình độ ngôn ngữ của trẻ con.

C. Nói theo cách ít phức tạp hơn như với trẻ trưởng thành.

D. Xác định giọng nói theo sự phát triển ngôn ngữ của trẻ con.

Dẫn chứng: Parents and older children regularly adjust their speed to a level that is slightly above that of a younger child;

=> Chọn D

Câu 6:

The word “reaches” in paragraph 3 could best replaced by

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Từ “reaches” ở đoạn 3 có thể đư thay thế bởi

A. giữ cho/ giữ lấy

B. chịu trách nhiệm về

C. đạt đến

D. trải rộng ra đến

Dẫn chứng: without studied recognition of what they are doing, these caretakers will speak in one way to a one-year-ago and in a progressively more complex way as the child reaches the age of two or three.

=>reaches = arrives at

=>Chọn C

Câu 7:

The word “that” in par.4 refers to

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Từ “that” ở đoạn 4 ám chỉ đến

A. một điểm quan trọng

B. chức năng

C. ngôn ngữ đã được biển đổi để trẻ con hiểu

D. một đứa trẻ

Dẫn chứng: An important point to note is that the function covered by caretaker speech, that of assisting a child to acquire language in small and simple steps,

=>Chọn B


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Câu 2:

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Câu 5:

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Câu 6:

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