Câu hỏi:

25/10/2023 287

It’s often said that we learn things at the wrong time. University students frequently do the minimum of work because they’re crazy about a good social life instead. Children often scream before their piano practice because it’s so boring. They have to be given gold stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to be bribed to take exams. But the story is different when you’re older.

Over the years, I’ve done my share of adult learning. At 30, I went to a college and did courses in History and English. It was an amazing experience. For starters, I was paying, so there was no reason to be late – I was the one frowning and drumming my fingers if the tutor was late, not the other way round. Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for an extra five minutes, it was a bonus, not a nuisance. I wasn’t frightened to ask questions, and homework was a pleasure not a pain. When I passed an exam, I had passed it for me and me alone, not for my parents or my teachers. The satisfaction I got was entirely personal.

Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got rusty. But the joy is that, although some parts have rusted up, your brain has learnt all kinds of other things since you were young. It has learnt to think independently and flexibly and is much better at relating one thing to another. What you lose in the rust department, you gain in the maturity department.

In some ways, age is a positive plus. For instance, when you’re older, you get less frustrated. Experience has told you that, if you’re calm and simply do something carefully again and again, eventually you’ll get the hang of it. The confidence you have in other areas – from being able to drive a car, perhaps – means that if you can’t, say, build a chair instantly, you don’t, like a child, want to destroy your first pathetic attempts. Maturity tells you that you will, with application, eventually get there.

It is implied in paragraph 1 that ______.

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Đáp án A

Đoạn 1 ngụ ý rằng _________.

A. người trẻ thường thiếu động lực tốt để học tập

B. người trẻ thường lười biếng trên lớp

C. giáo viên nên giao cho học sinh ít bài tập về nhà hơn

D. bố mẹ nên khuyến khích con cái học nhiều hơn

Dẫn chứng: “Children often scream before their piano practice because it’s so boring. They have to be given gold stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to he bribed to take


=> Người trẻ thường phải có những phần thưởng thì mới có động lực học

Câu hỏi cùng đoạn

Câu 2:

The writer’s main point in paragraph 2 is to show that as people grow up, ______.

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Đáp án D

Ý chính của tác giả trong đoạn 2 là chỉ ra rằng khi con người lớn lên thì          ________.

A. Họ có khuynh hướng học ít hơn vì họ thiếu quyết tâm

B. Họ không thể học tốt như khi người trẻ

C. Họ trở nên thiếu kiên nhẫn hơn với giáo viên

D. Họ có thái độ tích cực hơn đối với việc học

Dẫn chứng:

- At 30, I went to a college and did courses in History and English. It was an amazing experience.

- I wasn’t frightened to ask questions, and homework was a pleasure not a pain. When I passed an exam, I had passed it for me and me alone, not for my parents or my teachers. The satisfaction I got was entirely personal.

Câu 3:

The phrase “For starters” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by “______”.

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Đáp án D

- For starters ~ First and foremost: đầu tiên, trước hết

“For starters, I was paying, so there was no reason to be late” (Đầu tiên, tôi đã trả tiền, vì thế không có lý do gì để đi trễ)

Câu 4:

While doing some adult learning courses at a college, the writer was surprised ______.

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Đáp án C

Dẫn chứng: “Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for an extra five minutes, it was a bonus, not a nuisance. I wasn’t frightened to ask questions, and homework was a pleasure not a pain. When I passed an exam, I had passed it for me and me alone, not for my parents or my teachers. The satisfaction I got was entirely personal.”

=> trong quá trình học, tác giả đã cảm thấy thích thú việc học

Câu 5:

In paragraph 3, the word “rusty” means ______.

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Đáp án A

“Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got rusty.” (Mọt số người sợ đi học trở lại vì họ lo lắng rằng bộ não của họ không còn được như trước.)

- Rusty ~ not as good as it used to be through lack of practice: không được tốt như trước bởi vì thiếu sự luyện tập

Câu 6:

All of the following are true about adult learning EXCEPT ______.

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Đáp án C

A, B, D. đúng theo bài đọc:

Age is a positive plus. For instance, when you’re older, you get less frustrated. Experience has told you that, if you re calm and simply do something carefully again and again, eventually you’ll get the hang of it”

Although some parts have rusted up, your brain has learnt all kinds of other things since you were young. It has learnt to think independently and flexibly and is much better at relating one thing to another”

Câu 7:

It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that maturity is a positive plus in the learning process because adult learners ______.

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Đáp án D

Có thể suy ra từ đoạn cuối rằng sự trưởng thành là điểm cộng tích cực trong quá trình học vì người lớn________.   .

Dẫn chứng: when you’re older, you get less frustrated. Experience has told you that, if you’re calm and simply do something carefully again and again, eventually you’ll get the hang of it.” (khi bạn lớn tuổi hơn, bạn sẽ thấy ít chán nản hơn. Kinh nghiệm nói với bạn rằng, nếu bạn bình tĩnh và chỉ cn làm điu gì đó một cách cẩn thận lặp đi lặp lại thì cuối cùng bạn sẽ học được cách thực hiện nó.)

=> người lớn sẽ trở nên kiên nhẫn hơn người trẻ

Câu 8:

What is the writer’s main purpose in the passage?

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Đáp án A

Mục đích chính của tác giả trong bài đọc là gì?

A. Để khuyến khích việc học của người lớn

B. Để cho thấy người lớn học nhanh như thế nào

C. Để giải thích lý do cho việc học

D. Để miêu tả phương pháp học của người lớn


- Minimum /'miniməm/ (n): ti thiu

- Crazy /'krei.zi/ (adj): điên r

- Scream /skri:m/ (v): hét lên

- Medal /'medəl/ (n): huy chương

- Bribe /braib/ (v): đút lót, hối lộ

- Amazing /ə'meiziη/ (adj): đáng ngạc nhiên

- Frown /fraʊn/ (v): nhăn mặt

- Drum /drʌm/ (v): gõ gõ, gõ liên hồi

- Linger /'liηgər/ (v): nán lại, nấn ná

- Bonus /'bəʊnəs/ (n): tiền thưởng, phần thưởng

- Nuisance /'nju:səns/ (n): sự phiền toái

- Satisfaction /sætis'fæk∫n/ (n): sự thỏa mãn

- Flexible /'fleksəbəl/ (adj): linh hoạt

- Experience /ik'spiəriəns/ (n): kinh nghiệm

- Confidence /'kɒnfidəns/ (n): sự tự tin

- Calm /ka:m/ (adj): bình tĩnh

- Destroy /di'strɔi/ (v): phá hủy

- Pathetic /pə'θetik/ (adj): cảm động

- Maturity /mə't∫ʊərəti/ (n): sự trưởng thành


Câu 1:

If I had attended the party last night, I________ able to go to work today.

Xem đáp án » 28/10/2023 2,376

Câu 2:

According to the writer __________.

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 1,254

Câu 3:

The passage mainly discusses Rachel Carson’s work _____________.

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 424

Câu 4:

According to paragraphs 1 to 3, people should be aware of their emotions so that they can ________.

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 376

Câu 5:

All the children come to the Camp have to __________.

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 349

Câu 6:

What does the passage mainly discuss?

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 348

Câu 7:

According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the young Clara Barton?

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 318

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