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24/04/2022 2,856

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

       Although television was first regarded by many as “radio with pictures,” public reaction to the arrival of TV was strikingly different from that afforded the advent of radio. Radio in its early days was perceived as a technological wonder rather than a medium of cultural significance. The public quickly adjusted to radio broadcasting and either enjoyed its many programs or turned them off. Television, however, prompted a tendency to criticize and evaluate rather than a simple on-off response.

      One aspect of early television that can never be recaptured is the combined sense of astonishment and glamour that greeted the medium during its infancy. At the midpoint of the 20th century, the public was properly agog about being able to see and hear actual events that were happening across town or hundreds of miles away. Relatively few people had sets in their homes, but popular fascination with TV was so pronounced that crowds would gather on the sidewalks in front of stores that displayed a working television set or two. The same thing happened in the typical tavern, where a set behind the bar virtually guaranteed a full house. Sports events that might attract a crowd of 30,000 or 40,000 suddenly, with the addition of TV cameras, had audiences numbering in the millions. By the end of television’s first decade, it was widely believed to have greater influence on American culture than parents, schools, churches, and government-institutions that had been until then the dominant influences on popular conduct. All were superseded by this one cultural juggernaut.

       The 1950s was a time of remarkable achievement in television, but this was not the case for the entire medium. American viewers old enough to remember TV in the ’50s may fondly recall the shows of Sid Caesar, Jackie Gleason, Milton Berle, and Lucille Ball, but such high-quality programs were the exception; most of television during its formative years could be aptly described, as it was by one Broadway playwright, as “amateurs playing at home movies.” The underlying problem was not a shortage of talented writers, producers, and performers; there were plenty, but they were already busily involved on the Broadway stage and in vaudeville, radio, and motion pictures. Consequently, television drew chiefly on a talent pool of individuals who had not achieved success in the more popular media and on the young and inexperienced who were years from reaching their potential. Nevertheless, the new medium ultimately proved so fascinating a technical novelty that in the early stages of its development the quality of its content seemed almost not to matter.

      Fortunately, the dearth of talent was short-lived. Although it would take at least another decade before areas such as news and sports coverage approached their potential, more than enough excellence in the categories of comedy and drama emerged in the 1950s to deserve the attention of discriminating viewers. They are the most fondly remembered of the Golden Age genres for both emotional and intellectual reasons. Live TV drama was, in essence, the legitimate theatre’s contribution to the new medium; such shows were regarded as “prestige” events and were afforded respect accordingly. The comedies of the era are remembered for the same reason that comedy itself endures: human suffering and the ever-elusive pursuit of happiness render laughter a necessary palliative, and people therefore have a particular fondness for those who amuse them.

Source: https://www.britannica.com/

Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage?

Đáp án chính xác

Sách mới 2k7: 30 đề đánh giá năng lực DHQG Hà Nội, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, BKHN 2025 mới nhất (600 trang - chỉ từ 160k).

Mua bộ đề Hà Nội Mua bộ đề Tp. Hồ Chí Minh Mua đề Bách Khoa

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Giải bởi Vietjack

Đáp án D

Lựa chọn nào sau đây là tiêu đề tốt nhất cho đoạn văn?

A. Sự phát triển của truyền hình so với phát thanh

B. Sự kiện thể thao trên truyền hình

C. Các chương trình chất lượng cao được người Mỹ ưa thích

D. Truyền hình tại Hoa Kỳ

Căn cứ vào nội dung chính từng đoạn, ta thấy:

- Đoạn 1: giới thiệu tình hình chung về TV những ngày đầu ở Mỹ bằng cách so sánh nó với đài phát thanh

- Đoạn 2: những ngày đầu khi có TV đã khiến con người ngạc nhiên, tò mò và bị thích thú bởi nó => phản ứng của con người với sự ra đời của TV

- Đoạn 3: sự phát triển và những khó khăn gặp phải của những năm sau đó với TV

- Đoạn 4: thăng trầm qua đi và được phục sinh => giai đoạn tiếp tục khẳng định sự phổ biến và được ủng hộ của TV cũng như các nội dung chương trình được chiếu

=> Như vậy, có thể thấy xuyên suốt bài đọc đó là một quá trình từ những ngày đầu cho đến những năm 50 về sự có mặt của nó và những thăng trầm cũng như thành tựu mà nó dành được theo chuỗi thời gian thứ tự trong lịch sử. Từ đây, có thể khẳng định được "TV ở Mỹ" là tiêu đề tốt nhất cho bài văn. Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Đáp án này chỉ là tiêu đề của đoạn 1, đó là cơ sở để làm rõ về TV những ngày đầu ở Mỹ

B. Đáp án này chỉ là một trong những dẫn chứng ở đoạn 2 để cho thấy sự thu hút mạnh mẽ của TV với con người

C. Đáp án này là một trong những thành tựu mà TV đã đạt được khi ra mắt các chương trình công chiếu trước công chúng


Câu 1:

I’m sorry but I assure you that I had no intention ____________ offending you.

Xem đáp án » 24/04/2022 7,885

Câu 2:

“If I ________ and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes." _ Albert Einstein

Xem đáp án » 24/04/2022 6,471

Câu 3:

Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but to expel her.

Xem đáp án » 24/04/2022 6,121

Câu 4:

One moment you say you love me, the next moment you are dating another girl, __________?

Xem đáp án » 24/04/2022 6,009

Câu 5:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The majority of the students _______ home for their holidays for the past few weeks.

Xem đáp án » 24/04/2022 4,919

Câu 6:

"Let's tell Dad about our problem” said Carol to Tony.

Xem đáp án » 24/04/2022 4,739

Câu 7:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

       In “How many hours does it take to make a friend?” (2018), Jeffrey A. Hall describes the types of encounters that build a friendship.

       His study found that hours of time spent together was linked with closer friendships, as was time spent enjoying leisure activities together. Specifically, he found that the chance of making a “casual friend,” as opposed to a mere acquaintance, was greater than 50 percent when people spent approximately 43 hours together within three weeks of meeting. He further found that casual friends evolve into friends at some point between 57 hours after three weeks, and 164 hours over three months. Hall's research also demonstrated, however, that when it comes to time spent developing friendships, quality is more important than quantity. And when it comes to conversation, topics matter. When it comes to building quality relationships, the duration of conversation is not as important as the content. Meaningful conversation is the key to bonding with others.

       Hall found that when it comes to developing friendships, sharing daily life through catching up and joking around promotes closeness; small talk does not. Consider the inane topics that often come up when you are trapped in an elevator with an acquaintance. Discussing the weather or speculating on how many stops you will make before finally reaching the lobby does not facilitate bonding. Nor does mere proximity. Hall found that obligatory time spent together, such as in a classroom or workplace, does not promote closeness. Friendships require an efficient use of time together. Someone who remembers the details of your life and asks questions about your family, your job, your latest vacation, etc., is much more likely on his or her way to becoming someone you consider a friend, as opposed to an acquaintance.

(source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/)

Which best serves as the title for the passage?

Xem đáp án » 24/04/2022 4,493

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