Câu hỏi:

13/07/2024 10,918

Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box.

Media VietJack

1.   Miss Diep didn’t know the correct spelling so she had to                                   it in the dictionary.

2.   She’s                     it                      and has made up her mind; she’s going to take the job in New York.

3.   Can you                  your name, telephone number and email address                        in the book, please?

4.   My hotel was amazing and it                                 all my expectations.

5.   Mark was born in the East End, but he                              in the West End.

6.   The guide                           us                                the historic parts of the city.

7.   He doesn’t know why she                         his invitation to the party.

8.   Vinh is very friendly. He                          most of my friends.

9.   We are all                          seeing our grandparents again.

10. Miss Hang                          the Music                    and went to bed because it was quite late.

Sách mới 2k7: 30 đề đánh giá năng lực DHQG Hà Nội, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, BKHN 2025 mới nhất (600 trang - chỉ từ 160k).

Mua bộ đề Hà Nội Mua bộ đề Tp. Hồ Chí Minh Mua đề Bách Khoa

Quảng cáo

Trả lời:

Giải bởi Vietjack

1. look ... up                                                    2. thought...over

            3. put... down                                      4. lived up to

            5. grew up                                           6. showed ....round

            7. turned down                                    8. gets on with

            9. look forward to                               10. turned...off


Câu 1:

Give the correct form of the verbs.

1.   The whole machine would fall to pieces if you (remove)                       that screw.

2.   I (keep)                             a horse if I could afford it.

3.   I’d go and see him more often if he (live)                       on a bus route.

4.   If they (ban)                      the sale of alcohol at football matches, there might be less violence.

5.   I (offer)                             to help if I thought I’d be any use.

6.   What would you do if the lift (get)                      stuck between two floors?

7.   If you (paint)                    the walls white, the room would be much brighter.

8.   If you (change)                             your job, would it affect your pension?

9.   If you knew you had only six weeks to live, how you (spend)                            those six weeks?

10. I’d climb over the wall if there (not be)                           so much broken glass on top of it.

Xem đáp án » 13/07/2024 9,775

Câu 2:

Complete each of the following sentences with “used to/ didn’t use to” using the verbs from the box.

Media VietJack

1.   In my childhood, there                 so many high building here. There were parks.

2.   People                   with pen, but now they use computers.

3.   My brother                        football, but an injure stopped him from playing.

4.   In my grandfather’s youth, people                       by car. They rode horses.

5.   I                 to school, but two weeks ago I got a bike so now I ride it every day.

6.   My sister                           when we go to the beach because she was afraid of water.

7.   Mr. Lam                            television in the morning. He did it in the evening.

8.   David was a good climber in his youth. He                     very high mountains.

9.   My parents                        me expensive toys as we were not rich.

10. We                         in the town market. We bought fish, fruit and vegetables.

Xem đáp án » 13/07/2024 8,590

Câu 3:

Put in the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1.   Martin                               (be) to Greek five times. He loves the place.

2.   I                             (work) for a computer company for a year. That was after college.

3.   We            (move) here in 1993. We                                (be) here a long time now.

4.   It isn’t a very good party. Most people                            (already/ go) home.

5.   It was so hot today that I                           (wear) shorts and a T-shirt at work.

6.   My wife and I                               (move) three times since we                     (get)married.

7.   So far this week there                               (be) three burglaries in our street.

8.   When I was younger I                               (play) badminton for my local team.

9.   In the past few years, it                            (become) more and more difficult to get into university.

10. I                             (enjoy) skiing ever since I                              (live) in Switzerland.

11. I                             (have) these shoes since my eighteen birthday.

12. We                         (live) in Newcastle for three years now and like it a lot.

13. The last time I                               (go) to Brighton was in August.

14. When my parents were on holiday, I                    (stay) with my grandparents for two weeks.

15. I                             (not see) Rachel for ages. She                        (not visit) us since July.

Xem đáp án » 13/07/2024 8,038

Câu 4:

Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a verb from the box.

Media VietJack

1.   He                         from high school when we met him.

2.   She got up,                        breakfast, and left.

3.   It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, and the birds                          .

4.   I was sure I                        him somewhere before, but I couldn’t remember where.

5.   Linda walked out ofher flat. As she shut the door, she realized she                    the key.

6.   My leg started to hurt when I                               football.

7.   Minh grew up in the countryside, and he in                     Ha Noi for a few years in the 2010s.

8.   When I was a child, I didn’t know what job I                               to do in the future.

9.   The fire alarm went off when we                         a math lesson.

10. My brother                                    when I called him this afternoon.

Xem đáp án » 13/07/2024 5,183

Câu 5:

Fill in future continuous or future perfect to complete the sentences below.

1.   This time tomorrow morning Captain Neil Armstrong and his crew                        (leave) earth and                           (head) for the planet Mars.

2.   On the first day of their voyage, they                               (orbit) the earth every 20 seconds.

3.   Crew members Yuri Gagarin and Sally Ride                               (check)all the instrument all day long to make sure they are working properly. They                           (not/take) it easy.

4.   By the end of the year 2044 they                                      (arrive) on the planet Mars. They                (go) 100 million light years andyet they                    (not/age) even one year. Miraculous!

5.   What                                 (do/they) about as they zip through space? Will theybe frightened? I doubt it. They will be too busy.

6.   The captain says that by the end of the first week, they                     (discover)many interesting things about space and alien beings.

7.   By the end of the first month aboard the spaceship, the Martian Explorer, the crew                                     (get used to) living without gravity and to eating theirfood out of tubes. On a normal day they                           (float) around the cabin.

8.   Scientists claim that within the next 50 years, they                                 (find out)whether life on Mars exists or not and they                                (meet) those littlegreen men, Martians.

9.   In the meantime, let us wish good luck to Captain Armstrong and his crew. They                              (explore) the outer reaches of the universe.

10. By 2044                            (they/expand) our knowledge of new frontiers and deep space.

Xem đáp án » 13/07/2024 5,165

Câu 6:

Put the verb into the correct form to complete the sentences.

1.   I’m not tall enough to play volleyball. I wish                              tall and strong. (I/ be)

2.   I’m fed up with this rain. I wish                                        raining. (it/ stop)

3.   My grandparents don’t like living in the city. They wish                                    in the countryside.(they/ live)

4.   It’s a difficult question. I wish                                          the answer. (I/know)

5.   I wish                                            here. She’d be able to help us. (Ann/ be)

6.   Aren’t they ready yet? I wish                                           . (they/ hurry up)

7.   It would be nice to stay here. I wish                                             go now. (we/ not have to)

8.   It’s freezing today. 1 wish                        so cold. I hate cold weather.(it/ not be)

9.   What’s her name again? I wish                                        remember her name. (I/ can)

10. You’re driving too fast. I wish                                         a bit. (you/ slow down)

11. What I said was stupid. I wish                                          anything. (I/ not say)

12. I should have listened to you. I wish                                            your advice. (I/ take)

13. I’m really sleepy today. I wish                                         take Bob to the airport last night. (I/ not have to)

14. It was a terrible film. I wish                                             to see it. (we/ not go)

15. It was so hot that I wish                                        to the beach. (I/ go)

Xem đáp án » 13/07/2024 5,047

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