Câu hỏi:

25/10/2023 237

In early civilization, citizens were educated informally, usually within the family unit. Education meant simply learning to live. As civilization became more complex, however, education became more formal, structured, and comprehensive. Initial efforts of the ancient Chinese and Greek societies concentrated solely on the education of males. The post-Babylonian Jews and Plato were exceptions to this pattern. Plato was apparently the first significant advocate of the equality of the sexes. Women, in his ideal state, would have the same rights and duties and the same educational opportunities as men. This aspect of Platonic philosophy, however, had little or no effect on education for many centuries, and the concept of a liberal education for men only, which had been espoused by Aristotle, prevailed.

In ancient Rome, the availability of an education was gradually extended to women, but they were taught separately from men. The early Christians and medieval Europeans continued this trend, and single-sex schools for the privileged through classes prevailed through the Reformation period. Gradually, however, education for women, in a separate but equal basis to that provided for men, was becoming a clear responsibility of society. Martin Luther appealed for civil support of schools for all children. Al the Council of Trent in the 16th century, the Roman Catholic Church encouraged the establishment of free primary schools for children of all classes. The concept of universal primary education, regardless of sex, had been born, but it was still in the realm of the single-sex school.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, co-education became a more widely applied principle of educational philosophy. In Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union the education of boys and girls in the same classes became an accepted practice. Since World War II, Japan and the Scandinavian countries have also adopted relatively universal co-educational systems. The greatest negative reaction to co-education has been felt in the teaching systems of the Latin countries, where the sexes have usually been separated at both primary and secondary levels, according to local conditions. ’

A number of studies have indicated that girls seem to perform better overall and in science in particular. In single-sex classes, during the adolescent years, pressure to conform to stereotypical female gender roles may disadvantage girls in traditionally male subjects, making them reluctant to volunteer for experimental work while taking part in lessons. In Britain, academic league tables point to high standards achieved in girls’ schools. Some educationalists, therefore, suggest segregation of the sexes as a good thing, particularly in certain areas, and a number of schools are experimenting with the idea.

Ancient education generally focused its efforts on _________.

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Đáp án B

Nền giáo dục thời xưa nhìn chung tập trung những nỗ lực vào ________.

Dẫn chứng trong bài đọc: “Initial efforts of the ancient Chinese and Greek societies concentrated solely on the education of males.” (Những nỗ lực ban đầu của xã hội Trung Quốc và Hy Lạp cổ đại chỉ tập trung vào giáo dục cho nam nhi.) => concentrate on ~ focus on

Câu hỏi cùng đoạn

Câu 2:

Education in early times was mostly aimed at ___________.

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Đáp án C

Giáo dục trong thời gian đầu nhằm mục đích chủ yếu vào __________.

A. dạy kỹ năng                B, học phong cách sống mới

C. học cách sống              D. truyền đạt kỹ năng tồn tại

Dẫn chứng trong bài đọc: Education meant simply learning to live.

Câu 3:

The first to support the equality of the sexes was _____________.

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Đáp án C

Người đầu tiên ủng hộ bình đẳng giới là _______.

Dẫn chứng trong bài đọc: Plato was apparently the first significant advocate of the equality of the sexes.

Câu 4:

The word “informally” in this context mostly refers to an education occurring ___________.

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Đáp án D

Dẫn chứng trong bài đọc: In early civilization, citizens were educated informally, usually within the family unit. (Vào thời văn minh xa xưa, công dân được giáo dục không chính thức, thường trong phạm vi gia đình) => Phía sau từ “informally” có đề cập đến “ within the family unit” => chúng ta có thể hiểu được nền giáo dục xưa xảy ra ở bên ngoài trường học

Câu 5:

When education first reached women, they were _________.

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Đáp án A

Khi lần đầu giáo dục đến với nữ giới thì họ ________.

Dẫn chứng trong bài đọc: “In ancient Rome, the availability of an education was gradually extended to women, but they were taught separately from men.” (Vảo thời La Mã cổ đại thì giáo dục được mở rộng với nữ giới, nhưng họ được dạy tách biệt với nam giới.)

Câu 6:

When the concept of universal primary education was introduced, education ___________.

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Đáp án A

Khi khái niệm về giáo dục sơ cấp phổ quát đưa vào thì nền giáo dục ________.

Dẫn chứng trong bài đọc: “ The concept of universal primary education, regardless of sex, had been born, but it was still in the realm of the single-sex school.

Điều nay có nghĩa là nền giáo dục lúc ấy đã dành cho mọi giới tính

Câu 7:

Co-education was negatively responded to in ___________.

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verified Lời giải của GV VietJack

Đáp án C

Đồng giáo dục bị phản hồi tiêu cực ở _______.

Dẫn chứng trong bài đọc: “The greatest negative reaction to co-education has been felt in the teaching systems of the Latin countries, where the sexes have usually been separated at both primary and secondary levels, according to local conditions”


- Educate/ 'eʤu:keit / (v): giáo dục

- Complex / 'kɒmpleks / (adj): phức tạp

- Comprehensive /,kɒmpri'hensiv / (adj):) bao hàm toàn diện

- Solely /'səul.li/ (adv): duy nhất

- Exception /ik'sep∫ən/ (n): ngoại lệ, sự trừ ra

- Advocate/ 'ædvəkit / (n): người ủng hộ

- Equality /i:'kwɒləti / (n): sự bình đẳng

- Right /rait/ (n): quyến

- Philosophy /fi'lɒsəfi / (n): triết học, triết lí

- Liberal /'libərəl / (adj): tự do

- Espouse /es'pəuz / (v): tán thành (một phong trào...)

- Prevail /priveil/ (v): chiếm ưu thế

- Medieval / medi'i:vəl / (adj): (thuộc) ựiời Trung Cổ

- Separate /'sep.ər.ət/ (adj): tách biệt

- Appeal/ə'pi:l/ (v): kêu gọi

- Principle /'prin.sə.pəl/ (n): nguyên tắc

- Pressure / 'pre∫ər / (n): áp lực

- Conform /kən'fɔ:m/ (v): làm theo, tuân theo

- Reluctant / ri'lʌktənt / (adj): miễn cưỡng

- Segregation /,segri'gei∫ən / (n): sự phân biệt


Câu 1:

Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn’t have enough  ________.

Xem đáp án » 29/10/2023 2,356

Câu 2:

What is the main topic of the passage?

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 488

Câu 3:

What is the topic of this passage?

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 478

Câu 4:

The word akin’ in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by ________.

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 451

Câu 5:

The word “feasibility” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 382

Câu 6:

Don’t go too fast! I can’t________up with you.

Xem đáp án » 29/10/2023 357

Câu 7:

The best title for this passage would be __________.

Xem đáp án » 25/10/2023 345

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