Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 2 Tiếng anh 7 Cánh diều có đáp án - Đề 1

  • 700 lượt thi

  • 33 câu hỏi

  • 60 phút

Câu 2:

How did Ron travel in Alaska?

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Đáp án: B

Câu 3:

What did he compare his ride dogsled with?

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Đáp án: B

Câu 4:

When did Ron visit Alaska?

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Đáp án: A

Câu 5:

What special thing did Ron see in Alaska?

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Đáp án: C


Thu:   How was your travel to Alaska, Ron?

Ron:  It was fantastic. Although it was very cold, I did many interesting activities like ice fishing or sleeping in a big igloo.

Thu:   Wow! How did you move there?

Ron:  I rode a dogsled pulled by powerful dogs on the snow and through the forests. It was like getting lost in a marvelous snow kingdom.

Thu:   Sounds cool. I’m a dog lover, so I really want to try travelling with those native dogs. Did you see any bears?

Ron:  No, I didn’t. Because I went there in October when all bears often sleep.

Thu:   What a pity!

Ron:  Yes, I know. But I had a great chance to see the northern lights. They were too beautiful to describe in words.

Thu:   Awesome! I’m sure Alaska will be on the list of my future destinations.


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