Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh Toeic - Part 2 Test (Đề 4)

3416 lượt thi 25 câu hỏi 19 phút

Đề thi liên quan:

Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 1:

When do you expect to get the results of your health check?

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Câu 2:

Who is going to interview the job applicants?

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Câu 3:

What's in those boxes by the door?

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Câu 4:

How long is this gift certificate good for?

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Câu 5:

Where can I go to buy fresh fruit and vegetables?

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Câu 6:

When will Fred arrive in Chicago?

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Câu 7:

Would you like to travel to the convention together?

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Câu 8:

How do l update the corporate database?

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Câu 9:

Which water pipe connects to the bathroom sink?

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Câu 10:

Is Mr. Harris supposed to be joining us for the meeting?

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Câu 11:

Why haven't more apples been put out on display yet?

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Câu 12:

Have you spoken to the new intern yet?

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Câu 13:

You are planning on signing up for the bowling club, aren't you?

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Câu 14:

Do you know where the closest subway station is?

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Câu 15:

Do you want to eat at this place or would you rather keep looking?

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Câu 16:

This air conditioning unit is making too much noise.

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Câu 17:

Isn't there an additional fee for overnight delivery?

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Câu 18:

Did you receive a party invitation or should I send another one?

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Câu 19:

I thought there was an ATM around here.

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Câu 20:

Would you like to enroll in our advanced yoga class?

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Câu 21:

Is breakfast still being served or did it finish at 11?

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Câu 22:

Ms. Bennett expected more people to attend her exhibition, didn't she?

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Câu 23:

Would you mind taking notes for me at the seminar?

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Câu 24:

Maybe restarting the computer will fix it.

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Câu 25:

Don't you think this dish could use more seasoning?

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