Bài tập trắc nghiệm Unit 3 - Reading đọc hiểu có đáp án

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  • 5 câu hỏi

  • 30 phút

Câu 1:

 Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating. Commonly, nonverbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn nonverbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills. Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, nonverbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although become entwined in the total communication process. 

According to the writer, ________.  

Xem đáp án

A. Chỉ người bị điếc và câm mới sử dụng ngôn ngữ cơ thể.

B. Một người không thể giao tiếp bằng cả ngôn ngữ lời nói và ngôn ngữ cơ thể.

C. Những người có thể nghe và nói được không nên sử dụng ngôn ngữ cơ thể.

D. Con người có thể giao tiếp bằng cả ngôn ngữ lời nói và ngôn ngữ cơ thể.

Thông tin:Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal.

Tạm dịch:Mặc dù chúng ta thường nhận dạng giao tiếp bằng lời nói, nhưng giao tiếp bao gồm cả hai khía cạnh – ngôn ngữ lời nói và ngôn ngữ cơ thể.

=>According to the writer,people communicate with both verbal and nonverbal language.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 2:

 Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating. Commonly, nonverbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn nonverbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills. Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, nonverbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although become entwined in the total communication process. 

Which is not included in nonverbal communication?

Xem đáp án

A. từ ngữ

B. khoảng cách không gian

C. biểu hiện khuôn mặt

D. ngữ điệu của giọng nói

Thông tin:Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words.

Tạm dịch:Giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ được định nghĩa là giao tiếp không thông qua từ ngữ.


Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 3:

 Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating. Commonly, nonverbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn nonverbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills. Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, nonverbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although become entwined in the total communication process. 

We can learn from the text that ________.

Xem đáp án

A. giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ có thể không bao giờ nhận lại được hồi âm.

B. hầu hết mọi người không thích giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ.

C. thậm chí sự im lặng cũng có giá trị về thông điệp truyền tải.

D. cử chỉ động chạm không được chấp nhận trong giao tiếp.

Thông tin:Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating.

Tạm dịch:Dù là hành động hay không phải hành động, lời nói hay sự im lặng cũng đều có giá trị truyền tải thông điệp: chúng tác động đến người khác và ngược lại, những người này trả lời lại sự truyền đạt thông tin và như vậy có nghĩa là chúng ta đang giao tiếp.

=>We can learn from the text that even silence has message value.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 4:

 Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating. Commonly, nonverbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn nonverbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills. Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, nonverbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although become entwined in the total communication process. 

Human beings ________.

Xem đáp án

A. học cách giao tiếp ngôn ngữ cơ thể qua sách vở.

B. chỉ có thể giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ cơ thể khi họ trưởng thành.

C. học cách giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ cơ thể từ khi còn là 1 đứa trẻ.

D. giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ cơ thể ít hơn nhiều so với ngôn ngữ lời nói.

Thông tin: Commonly, nonverbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn nonverbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills.

Tạm dịch:Thông thường, giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ được học ngay sau khi sinh, được thực hành và cải thiện trong suốt cuộc đời của một con người. Trước hết trẻ em sẽ học những cách diễn đạt, biểu hiện phi ngôn ngữ bằng cách nhìn và bắt chước, nhiều như khi chúng học những kỹ năng bằng lời nói.

=>Human beings have learnt how to communicate in nonverbal language since a child

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 5:

 Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Communication in general is process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensions - verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, tone of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people. Activity or inactivity, words or silence all have message value: they influence others and these others, in turn, respond to these communications and thus they are communicating. Commonly, nonverbal communication is learned shortly after birth and practiced and refined throughout a person's lifetime. Children first learn nonverbal expressions by watching and imitating, much as they learn verbal skills. Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. As children develop verbal skills, nonverbal channels of communication do not cease to exist although become entwined in the total communication process. 

The word reading has a close meaning to ________.

Xem đáp án

A. nhìn vào những từ đã được viết ra

B. hiểu được

C. nói 1 điều gì đó to

D. biểu hiện, diễn đạt

Thông tin:Young children know far more than they can verbalize and are generally more adept at reading nonverbal cues than adults are because of their limited verbal skills and their recent reliance on the nonverbal to communicate. 

Tạm dịch:Trẻ em biết nhiều hơn việc chúng có thể diễn đạt thành lời và nhìn chung thông thạo hơn trong việc hiểu được những tín hiệu phi ngôn ngữ so với người lớn vì những kỹ năng bằng lời nói của chúng bị giới hạn và chúng phụ thuộc vào ngôn ngữ cơ thể để giao tiếp.  

=>The word reading has a close meaning to understanding.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B


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