Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 1:

You could sell it on the Internet, ________?

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Câu 2:

The house must be worth millions, ________?

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Câu 3:

He’s working as a tour guide, ________?

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Câu 4:

We mustn't go into the garden, ________?

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Câu 5:

Don’t shout, ________? I can hear you perfectly well.

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Câu 6:

She buys all the latest fashion magazines, ________?

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Câu 7:

He worked as a cleaner at the hospital, ________?

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Câu 8:

You were at Kim's party, ________?

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Câu 9:

What a memorable day, ________?

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Câu 10:

I think that I've met you before, ________?

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Câu 11:

They believe that all children are born with equal intelligence, ________?

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Câu 12:

I can't believe she is the finest violinist in the world, ________?

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Câu 13:

The shops don't open till 9.30, ________?

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Câu 14:

You must be hungry after all that walking, ________?

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Câu 15:

She must have had a heart attack, ________?

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Câu 16:

We’d better go to sleep before 11p.m, ________?

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Câu 17:

My hair doesn’t need cutting for at least another month, ________?

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Câu 18:

You need not spend a lot of money on presents, ________?

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Câu 19:

I don't think they did anything much, ________?

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Câu 20:

Your mother is cooking in the kitchen, ________?

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Câu 21:

When you were walking in the park, there was a strange man attacking you, ________?

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Câu 22:

Let us take photographs inside the theatre, ________?

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Câu 23:

He seldom sees a child with so much talent, ________?

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Câu 24:

Let me use the restroom for a minute, ________?

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Câu 25:

Don’t open the oven door until the cake is cooked, ________?

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Câu 27:

He never gets up until at least 11.00 a.m. on a Sunday, ________?

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Câu 28:

I am the worst salesperson in the company, ________?

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Câu 29:

We needn't spend much time on this topic, ________?

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Câu 30:

Everything in the capital is now quiet, ________?

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Câu 31:

She successfully completed the London Marathon in April, ________?

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Câu 32:

The office has never been run so well, ________?

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Câu 33:

He won’t go without me, ________?

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Câu 34:

Let’s go out to dinner, ________?

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Câu 35:

She hardly buys any new clothes at all, ________?

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Câu 36:

Let me help you organize the party, ________?

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Câu 37:

They had considered it before they reached the final decision, ________?

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Câu 38:

What handsome men, ________?

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Câu 39:

We ought not to order so much food, ________?

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Câu 40:

I'd rather drive than take the train, ________?

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Câu 41:

There’ll be trouble when she finds out, ________?

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Câu 42:

It seems that he isn’t the right person for the job, ________?

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Câu 43:

What we need to do is to make a list of useful phone numbers, ________?

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Câu 44:

What they have just said seems unreasonable,_______?

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Câu 45:

He wishes to see his family again, ________?

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Câu 47:

She wants to be _______ lawyer when she grows up.

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Câu 49:

She gave us _______ umbrella because it started to rain.

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Câu 51:

I always learn _______ lot of things at school.

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Câu 54:

I  need _______ little bit of time to think about _______ offer you made.

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Câu 56:

I had _______ piece of toast for _______ breakfast.

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Câu 59:

The ship is sending out _______ SOS signal.

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Câu 61:

These are _______ mountains I was talking about.

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Câu 66:

Many people hate _____ violence, but they like to watch it in _____ movies.

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Câu 68:

_______ Sahara is one of _______ world’s biggest desert.

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Câu 69:

The wind is blowing from _______ south.

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Câu 70:

_______ Nile is _______ longest river in the world.

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Câu 72:

_______ moon is not seen when _______ sun shines.

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Câu 74:

_______ Browns have one adopted son.

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Câu 75:

Her flat is on _______ third floor.

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Câu 84:

The phone rang in _______ middle of the night.

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Câu 85:

They aim to redistribute income from _______ rich to _______ poor.

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Câu 87:

_______ more you eat, _______ fatter you'll get.

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Câu 88:

They go to _______ church every week.

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Câu 97:

The children _______ to bed before their parents came home from work.

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Câu 98:

Paul noticed a job advertisement while he _______ along the street.

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Câu 99:

I haven’t met him again since we _______ school ten years ago.

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Câu 100:

When he _______ us to go in, we _______ outside the exam room for over half an hour.

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Câu 101:

When I _______ her, I _______ her your regards.

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Câu 102:

When we enter the room, our boss _______ for us here.

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Câu 103:

When I got home I found that water _______ down the kitchen walls.

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Câu 104:

Quyen _______ in the supermarket when she saw her old friend.

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Câu 105:

Mike _______ his favorite program on TV when the lights went out.

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Câu 106:

When the first child was born, they _______ for three years.

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Câu 107:

We _______ in silence when he suddenly _______ me to help him.

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Câu 109:

When Carol _______ last night, I _______ my favorite show on television.

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Câu 110:

I'll call you as soon as I _______ in Paris.

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Câu 111:

The students _______ the topic when the bell rang.

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Câu 112:

Jane _______ her homework when her friend asked her to do his as well.

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Câu 113:

Mr. Pike _______ English at our school for 20 years before he retired last year.

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Câu 114:

When I return to my hometown, everything _______ a lot.

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Câu 115:

My parents have left for English since I _______ at primary school.

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Câu 116:

I was angry when you saw me because I _______ with my sister.

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Câu 117:

By the time I finish the final term exams, I _______ my first two years' study at university.

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Câu 118:

I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he _______ when I arrived.

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Câu 119:

I saw a terrible accident while I _______ on the beach.

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Câu 120:

When we see Mr. Minh tomorrow, I _______ him of that.

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Câu 121:

His English has improved a lot since he _______ an English course by Mr. John.

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Câu 122:

When I _______ to the airport, I realized that I _______ my passport at home.

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Câu 123:

I _______ along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

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Câu 124:

The boy fell while he _______ down the stairs.

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Câu 125:

She hurt herself while she _______ hide-and-seek with her friends.

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Câu 127:

By the end of last March, I _______ English for five years.

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Câu 128:

By the end of next March, I _______ English for five years.

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Câu 129:

Linda took great photos of butterflies while she _______ in the forest.

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Câu 130:

When I _______ for my sister in front of the supermarket, a strange man came to talk with me.

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Câu 131:

When I came to visit her last night, she _______ a bath.

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Câu 132:

John _______ in the same house since he left school.

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Câu 133:

The phone _______ suddenly while Joanna was doing the housework.

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Câu 134:

A fire-fighter was injured severely while he _______ to put out a fire.

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Câu 135:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ________ by J K Rowling.

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Câu 136:

Only half of the exercises ________ so far, but the rest ________ by Saturday.

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Câu 137:

The house _________ yesterday.

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Câu 138:

The prize _________ to Xuan yesterday.

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Câu 139:

The medicine ________ at a high place where the children can't reach.

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Câu 140:

Nothing ________ because it was very foggy and raining heavily.

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Câu 141:

When Jack arrived to the workshop his car ________.

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Câu 142:

English ________ at state schools as a compulsory lesson for 20 years until last year.

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Câu 143:

The flood victims ________ with food and clean water by the volunteers.

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Câu 144:

On September 9th, 1850, California _______ to the United States as the thirty-first state.

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Câu 145:

The colourful wearings ________ together with the white coloured wearings.

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Câu 147:

A new supermarket ________ in the city center.

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Câu 148:

The graduation party had ________ off due to bad weather.

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Câu 149:

A school ________ in this area by the government next year.

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Câu 150:

I am sorry, I can't come with you. I ________ to that party.

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Câu 152:

I'll have to go by bus as my car ________.

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Câu 153:

Because all hotels in this city ________ in advance, we were unable to find a hotel.

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Câu 154:

Most of the e-mail accounts at our company ________ by a virus last week.

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Câu 155:

The Minister proposed that the book ________.

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Câu 156:

Your phone ________ off before you enter the exam room.

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Câu 157:

Many issues ________ at the meeting by the time you arrived.

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Câu 158:

Many important but rare animal species ________ in the Amazon.

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Câu 159:

Twenty civilians ________ in the bomb explosion.

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Câu 161:

She was amazed _______ how calm she felt after the accident.

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Câu 164:

She was very amused _______ your comments.

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Câu 168:

He's in a really foul temper so be careful _______ what you say to him.

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Câu 173:

He's really angry _______ me for upsetting Sophie.

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Câu 175:

I am really excited _______ the opportunity to work with her.

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Câu 176:

You don't seem very enthusiastic _______ the party - don't you want to go tonight?

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Câu 177:

We are very sad _______ your news and hope things are going better for you.

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Câu 179:

She quickly became accustomed _______ his messy ways.

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Câu 180:

He fell in the river but his friend saved him _______ drowning.

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Câu 189:

Motor vehicles are prohibited _______ driving in the town centre.

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Câu 205:

You'll be late _______ your flight if you don't hurry up.

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Câu 209:

He became internationally famous _______ his novels.

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Câu 213:

He is skillful _______ organizing the parties.

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Câu 214:

My brother is fond _______ pointing out my mistakes.

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Câu 215:

When she looked at him her eyes were full _______ tears.

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Câu 216:

I'm confident _______ his skills as a manager.

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Câu 219:

He's greedy _______ power.

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Câu 220:

Fiona is very clever _______ physics.

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Câu 223:

His disability prevents him _______ driving.

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Câu 224:

That song was popular _______ people from my father's generation.

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Câu 225:

They were hopeful _______ a successful agreement.

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Câu 226:

What's wrong _______ you today?

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Câu 230:

Be patient _______ her - she's very young

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Câu 233:

They all made the same comment, quite independent _______ each other

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Câu 237:

Four groups of ten is equal _______ two groups of twenty.

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Câu 242:

I'm terrified _______ the dark.

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Câu 243:

I'm scared _______ telling her what really happened.

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Câu 246:

The weather's just perfect _______ swimming.

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Câu 247:

Anna reminds me _______ her mother.

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Câu 249:

He was getting bored _______ doing the same thing every day.

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Câu 252:

You can thank John _______ the mess we're in.

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Câu 258:

The kids are busy _______ their homework.

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Câu 259:

She was utterly indifferent _______ his irritation.

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Câu 260:

All these new products were based _______ extensive market research.

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Câu 262:

I think his career is more important _______ him than I am.

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Câu 263:

They are deeply suspicious _______ each other's motives.

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Câu 264:

A lion has escaped _______ its cage.

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Câu 266:

The army are said to be ready _______ action.

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Câu 268:

The tests are identical _______ those carried out last year.

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Câu 269:

Emily is entirely different _______ her sister.

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Câu 270:

How much of the earth's surface is covered        water

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Câu 273:

Tax and service are included _______ the bill.

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Câu 274:

His shirt was open _______ the waist revealing a very hairy chest.

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Câu 276:

What makes you think that you are qualified _______ this job?

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Câu 277:

Do you suffer _______ any allergies?

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Câu 278:

His view of the situation is diametrically opposed _______ mine.

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Câu 280:

He was born _______ a Monday of May.

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Câu 281:

Nam's family has been living _______ Ha Noi for twenty years.

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Câu 282:

She wrote her first cookery book _______ 2017.

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Câu 283:

The body was lying _______ the kitchen floor.

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Câu 284:

I prefer coffee _______ the morning.

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Câu 285:

The next SEA Games will be held _______ Viet Nam.

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Câu 286:

People usually visit their families _______ Christmas.

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Câu 287:

We have breakfast on the balcony _______ summer.

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Câu 290:

Look at all the books _______ your desk!

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Câu 291:

I enjoyed my three years _______ university.

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Câu 292:

School starts _______ 3 September.

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Câu 293:

My parents got married _______ December.

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Câu 295:

Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will _______.

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Câu 296:

The doctors did all they could, but he finally ________ cancer.

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Câu 297:

You should ask your accountant ________ some financial advice.

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Câu 300:

We ________ the puppies carefully and sold them for a good profit.

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Câu 302:

The CEO said he was determined to bring changes ________ that would ensure the companies viability well into the future.

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Câu 303:

Peter is an ambitious man who will never ________ till he gets what he wants.

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Câu 304:

That song ________ such fond memories of my childhood.

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Câu 306:

The moment I met my wife, I ________ her completely.

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Câu 307:

I've ________ with that show-can you tell me what happened in the latest episode?

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Câu 308:

With all of these medical bills, I just don't have any more money to ________.

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Câu 309:

Apparently, Gina ________ Dave last week, and now they're not talking to each other at all.

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Câu 311:

I think she ________ all of that money when her grandmother died.

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Câu 312:

There are job vacancies from time to time. I'll let you know if anything ________.

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Câu 313:

It's ________ that several ministers received payments from the company.

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Câu 314:

Tom's brother asked him to ________ the music so that he could sleep.

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Câu 315:

The performance on the first night ________ pretty well.

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Câu 316:

I ________ him in the library after work, and we a great conversation about Hemingway.

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Câu 317:

There are job vacancies from time to time. I'll let you know if anything ________.

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Câu 318:

It's ________ that several ministers received payments from the company.

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Câu 319:

Tom's brother asked him to ________ the music so that he could sleep.

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Câu 320:

The performance on the first night ________ pretty well.

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Câu 322:

I ________ while the meeting was in progress, so I waited in the back.

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Câu 323:

Those boys are going to have to ________ for a punishment after starting the food fight.

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Câu 326:

I'm so sorry that you had to ________ such a traumatic experience.

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Câu 327:

It snowed so much that the event couldn't ________ as planned, unfortunately.

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Câu 328:

Oh, we're ________ our weekend plans - I refuse to let a little rain stop us!

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Câu 329:

After the power ________, I spent the night reading by candlelight.

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Câu 330:

Well, the party must ________, whether we have caterers or not!

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Câu 331:

I only ________ for a few minutes-how did I miss that key detail in the episode?

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Câu 332:

I can't believe you're ________ school after all these years.

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Câu 333:

People are beginning to worry that the president is going to ________ his campaign promises.

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Câu 336:

Can you ________ these instructions again? I'm still a little confused.

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Câu 337:

You shouldn't let this great opportunity ________ just because you're mad at your sister.

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Câu 340:

Oh boy, both kids have ________ the stomach flu? We're doomed.

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Câu 341:

I ________ cycling to work at the beginning of the summer, and I haven't been healthier!

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Câu 342:

I'm too tired to ________ the details right now, but I'll give you the full story tomorrow.

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Câu 343:

Volunteers will come around and ________ pamphlets before the lecture.

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Câu 345:

I'm going back to school because I always regretted ________ college.

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Câu 346:

Ever since we gave your mother that key, she keeps ________ us.

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Câu 347:

That senator needs to ________ the times and stop saying things that are wildly inappropriate in today's world.

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Câu 348:

When I ________, I don't want an elaborate funeral.

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Câu 354:

My doctor told me that I need to ________ eating fried foods in order to improve my cholesterol.

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Câu 355:

It is hard to ________ town without a car.

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Câu 356:

It took her nearly four months to ________ that bout of pneumonia.

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Câu 357:

Once I ________ my last year of school, I'm taking a long vacation, that's for sure!

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Câu 358:

My daughter has ________ sports all of sudden.

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Câu 359:

Ever since my husband lost his job, we've been just ________.

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Câu 360:

We're in the last row, so it's going to take us a while to ________ the plane.

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Câu 361:

Will you get Uncle Joe ________ the bus? He isn't sure where the stop is.

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Câu 363:

Are you boys looking for Mike? He just ________ toward the creek.

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Câu 365:

I really like my job, for the most part, but I do have to ________ a lot of tedious busywork.

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Câu 367:

I don't really feel like going out tonight. Let's just stay in and ________ a cheesy action flick.

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Câu 368:

Why did I keep ________ working on this essay? Now I'll be up all night writing it.

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Câu 369:

I recommend you ________ your bonus as a rainy-day fund for the future.

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Câu 371:

No, put the chocolate      ! You can't have any until dinner.

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Câu 373:

They're ________ high-rise apartments all over town.

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Câu 374:

We're ________ Jen's brother for a couple of weeks while he looks for a new apartment.

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Câu 375:

The rescue services are still trying to ________ the fires.

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Câu 380:

At the conference, the new president ________ her plan for reducing the carbon footprint of the country.

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Câu 381:

Can you believe he set the charity ________ when he was just 15?

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Câu 382:

I'm ________ for New York tomorrow to attend a business meeting.

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Câu 385:

The committee is ________ scientists and politicians.

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Câu 387:

The boys ________ the swimming pool as soon as the coach blew the whistle.

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Câu 390:

She had been sitting for so long that it was a pleasure to ________.

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Câu 391:

A: "What do your company's initials ________.?"

    B: "Mason, Baxter, and Aiken. They're the three founders."

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Câu 392:

The picture's red frame makes it ________ against the green wall.

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Câu 393:

We'll never make any progress if we don't have anyone in congress ________ our cause.

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Câu 395:

Mimi became jealous when Jack's career started ________.

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Câu 397:

They had to ________ two of his teeth.

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Câu 398:

Take these chairs ________ - we don't need them.

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Câu 399:

Don't ________ too much work - the extra cash isn't worth it.

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Câu 400:

We're pleased to announce that Mr. Schmidt will be ________ as Executive Director.

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Câu 401:

Peter will ________ the management of the finance department.

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Câu 404:

The speaker finished her speech and ________ to see if there were any questions.

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Câu 406:

Today even 16-year-old boys on street corners ________ those who attend college.

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Câu 407:

Look ________ that! What a horrible mess!

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Câu 408:

Mathie was ________ work after he decided to pull the plug on the 20-year-old classic emporium.

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Câu 413:

Jake ________ his computer and checked his mail.

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Câu 415:

I'd almost hope of finding a house I liked, and then suddenly this one ________.

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Câu 417:

I was a bit doubtful at first, but it ________ to be a really good idea.

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Câu 419:

Dealing with children who are so damaged ________ immense tact and sensitivity.

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Câu 420:

Is there anybody there?" he ________, but there was no reply.

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Câu 421:

Rescuers had to ________ the search because of worsening weather conditions.

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Câu 422:

I was ________ three months after war broke out.

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Câu 423:

He ________ the letter and read it.

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Câu 424:

Put those heavy bags ________ for a minute.

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Câu 425:

"Where's Diana?" "She just left to ________ the kids from school."

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Câu 426:

He ________ the usual trader’s form offering to sell the car to the finance company.

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Câu 427:

About half an hour before the performance, the theatre starts to ________.

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Câu 428:

Gerry was terribly thin when he came out of hospital, but he's ________ a lot since then.

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Câu 429:

We spent half an hour looking for the keys, but eventually ________ and went home.

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Câu 430:

The wood ________ a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned.

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Câu 432:

My money was beginning to ________ and there were no jobs to be found.

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Câu 433:

We’re ________ a free diary with tomorrow’s newspaper.

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Câu 434:

I’m ________ a new computer.

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Câu 435:

I ________ six pairs of trousers before I found a pair that fitted.

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Câu 436:

He doesn't usually drive as fast as this. He's just ________ because you're here. 

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Câu 437:

We were expecting 30 people to come, but half of them never ________.

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Câu 438:

Her stubbornness on this one issue is holding the whole deal ________.

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Câu 439:

They felt the British economy was being ________ by excessive government controls.

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Câu 440:

Hold ________ a minute! Isn’t that your brother’s car over there?

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Câu 444:

She didn't come to the party because her car ________ on the way here.

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Câu 445:

Someone must be ________ our system-how else would the media know such classified information?

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Câu 446:

We knew it was time to leave the club when a fight ________ between guys at the bar.

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Câu 449:

Elena really ________ her mother in both appearance and character.

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Câu 450:

The issue of climate change has received a lot of _______ recently.

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Câu 451:

Swimming produces both _______ and physical benefits.

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Câu 452:

My friend is a good story writer; he has a rich _______.

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Câu 453:

The _______ of electronic books has changed the way many people read.

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Câu 455:

According to present law, the authorities can give poachers a severe _______.

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Câu 456:

The new song has _______ been selected for Euro 2016.

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Câu 457:

Many species of plants and animals are in _______ of extinction.

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Câu 458:

The wedding day was _______ chosen by the parents of the groom.

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Câu 461:

_______ have announced that a major breakthrough in medicine has been made.

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Câu 462:

This restaurant is _______ with those who like Vietnamese food.

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Câu 463:

The jobs give you lots of chances to travel abroad; it’s certainly a very _______ offer.

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Câu 464:

It's necessary to listen to opinions that are _______ from ours.

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Câu 465:

One _______ method for keeping our mind active is doing crossword puzzles.

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Câu 467:

In the past people believed that women’s _______ roles were as mothers and wives.

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Câu 469:

A _______  party was prepared to welcome the honored guests.

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Câu 470:

How many means of _______ do you use on a regular basis?

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Câu 471:

Janice made some useful _______ for the class extra-curricular activities.

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Câu 472:

Jack put on his best suit to make a good _______ on his future in-laws.

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Câu 473:

The more _______ you look, the better impression you will make on your interviewer.

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Câu 474:

Josh's ambition is to become a _______ businessman like his father.

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Câu 475:

Many twelfth graders find it hard to _______ what university to apply to.

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Câu 476:

I think mobile phones are _______ for people of all ages.

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Câu 477:

Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely _______

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Câu 480:

Tom is getting ever keener on doing research on _______.

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Câu 481:

They are always _______ of what their children do.

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Câu 482:

It is not always easy to make a good _______ at the last minute.

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Câu 483:

Cultural _______ can be found in such simple processes as giving or receiving a gift.

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Câu 485:

The job market is constantly changing due to innovative technology and new _______.

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Câu 486:

In Vietnam, children begin their primary _______ at the age of six.

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Câu 488:

The success of the company in such a _______ market is remarkable.

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Câu 490:

Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop their _______.

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Câu 491:

Candidates are advised to dress formally to make a good _______ on job interviewers.

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Câu 492:

It is believed that travelling is a good way to expand our _______ of the world

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Câu 493:

Susan has achieved great _______ in her career thanks to her hard work.

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Câu 494:

Participating in teamwork activities helps students develop their _______ skills.

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Câu 495:

You should turn off the lights before going out to save _______.

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Câu 497:

Laura came to _______ me for taking care of her dog when she was away.

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Câu 499:

With his good sense of humour, Martin is quite _______ with the students.

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Câu 500:

He hated being in the army _______ he had to obey commands.

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Câu 501:

_______ we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.

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Câu 503:

The game has been cancelled _______ unfavorable weather conditions.

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Câu 504:

She felt she had been discriminated against _______ her age.

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Câu 505:

We do not own the building. _______, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.

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Câu 506:

The whole report is badly written. _______, it's inaccurate.

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Câu 507:

You can take Route 14 to get there, _______ it may take you a little longer.

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Câu 508:

We were unable to get funding and _______ had to abandon the project.

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Câu 509:

_______ you take a taxi, you'll still miss your train.

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Câu 511:

He works slowly and precisely _______ I tend to rush things and make mistakes.

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Câu 512:

Their economy has expanded, while ours, _______, has declined.

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Câu 513:

She walked home by herself _______ she knew that it was dangerous.

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Câu 515:

They may do whatever they like _______ it is within the law.

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Câu 516:

He couldn’t get money from the bank _______ he couldn't buy a house.

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Câu 517:

Once he starts painting a room he won't stop _______ it's done.

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Câu 518:

I got into the house quietly _______ I might wake up my mom.

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Câu 519:

She gobbled _______ she hadn't eaten for ages.

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Câu 524:

_______ our best endeavors, it has proven impossible to contact her.

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Câu 526:

He came home early _______ see the kids before they went to bed.

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Câu 527:

The kids have to get up before 7 a.m, _______ they'll be late for school.

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Câu 528:

_______ it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.

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Câu 531:

You can play in the living room _______ you don't make a mess.

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Câu 532:

He agreed to speak to reporters _______ he was not identified.

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Câu 533:

We'd love to come and see you on Saturday, _______ I don't have to work that day.

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Câu 534:

_______, he realized there was someone in the room.

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Câu 535:

_______ I had done my homework, I went out with my friend.

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Câu 536:

_______ he succeeded, he had to work very hard.

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Câu 537:

I knew everything. _______, I tried to pretend I didn’t know

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Câu 538:

He has a good job, and _______ he never seems to have any money.

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Câu 539:

We can go to the concert, _______ we've already paid for the tickets.

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Câu 542:

_______ had they started their walk than it started to rain.

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Câu 543:

_______ had Rina finished her homework when the electricity went out.

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Câu 544:

She didn’t know _______ he was laughing _______ crying.

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Câu 545:

They were _______ sad nor disappointed with their exam results.

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Câu 546:

She played _______ hockey _______ basketball when she was a student.

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Câu 548:

They were afraid to complain about the noise _______ they annoyed the neighbors.

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Câu 549:

My husband only likes classical music - I, _______, like all kinds.

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Câu 550:

A small _______ of children are educated at home.

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Câu 551:

I suppose you mix with _______ people in your job.

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Câu 552:

_______ of people approve of the death sentence.

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Câu 553:

Oil is a very important substance because it has _______ industrial uses.

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Câu 554:

_______ effort has gone into making the software reliable.

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Câu 555:

You have _______ freedom to explore new techniques.

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Câu 557:

Do you want to exchange this book for _______ or do you want your money back?

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Câu 558:

For _______ £50 you can buy the model with a touchscreen.

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Câu 559:

She's finished with that boyfriend and found herself _______.

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Câu 560:

The plan has been opposed by schools and _______ local organizations.

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Câu 561:

There is no _______ work available at the moment.

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Câu 562:

We don’t need those books, we need _______

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Câu 564:

I don’t like these postcards. Let’s ask for _______.

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Câu 565:

She has two hats, one is black and _______ is white.

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Câu 566:

I have four close friends, one of them is a lawyer, and _______ are teachers.

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Câu 570:

I am _______ interested in the history of the house.

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Câu 571:

We were bitten by mosquitoes _______ every night.

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Câu 573:

The town was _______ entirely destroyed during the war.

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Câu 576:

I have _______ money, not enough to buy a hamburger.

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Câu 577:

I've got _______ money. I'm going to the cinema.

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Câu 578:

I've got _______ friends. We meet every day.

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Câu 579:

Very _______ people can afford to pay those prices.

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Câu 581:

The police want to interview ______ employee about the theft.

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Câu 582:

_______ four minutes a car is stolen in this city.

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Câu 583:

There is _______ concern about drug addiction in the US.

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Câu 586:

I went shopping and spent _______ money.

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Câu 587:

Haven’t they sold _______ tickets?

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Câu 588:

We've got _______ time before we need to leave for the airport.

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Câu 589:

Here's _______ news you might be interested in.

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Câu 590:

We've been having _______ problems with our TV over the last few weeks.

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Câu 595:

Friends sat on _______ side of me on the plane.

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Câu 596:

_______ of the students passed the exam because it was too difficult.

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Câu 597:

_______ apartment will have power, as there is a blackout in the city

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Câu 598:

I haven't been to _______ two restaurants.

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Câu 599:

I don't eat meat and my husband doesn't _______

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Câu 600:

_______ as soon as I see him.

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Câu 601:

The neighbors will look after our plants _______.

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Câu 602:

Let's go out for dinner _______.

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Câu 603:

Make sure you close all the windows _______.

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Câu 604:

_______ until she apologizes.

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Câu 605:

You can ask me for help _______.

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Câu 606:

_______, he will go out with his friends.

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Câu 607:

_______ while the teacher was explaining the activity.

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Câu 608:

_______ my lesson by noon, I will come around.

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Câu 609:

_______, we went to as many islands as possible.

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Câu 610:

The lift won't start _______.

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Câu 611:

She will give the children their dinner _______.

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Câu 612:

_______, I will give you a call.

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Câu 613:

I'll do it _______.

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Câu 614:

We are going to stay in his flat while _______.

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Câu 615:

Will you recognize him _______?

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Câu 616:

We can’t play loud music _______.

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Câu 617:

I’ll stand here waiting with you _______.

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Câu 618:

We always have an ice cream _______.

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Câu 619:

They always close their curtains _______ in the evening.

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Câu 620:

All the preparations for the party will have been made _______.

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Câu 621:

_______ from his university, he will have stayed in Ho Chi Minh city for 4 years.

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Câu 622:

The director will have checked members' attendance _______.

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Câu 623:

I will have tidied up the bedroom _______ home tomorrow.

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Câu 624:

_______ to the nearest city, we will have driven for 5 days.

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Câu 625:

He had a(n) _______ - why not apply for some government money?

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Câu 626:

The anti-smoking campaign has had quite a (n) _______ on young people.

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Câu 627:

By the _______, I heard that Phyllis may be moving to Dallas.

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Câu 628:

Healing is the natural _______ of one person to restore health in another.

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Câu 631:

It was a scandal that _______ a lot of reputations.

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Câu 632:

The first thing you must do is make a (n) _______ of the situation.

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Câu 634:

I was disappointed whenever my boss found _______ with my work.

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Câu 635:

"We're addressing the problem," he said, "and I think we're making _______."

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Câu 637:

The disadvantage of nuclear weapons is that they cause destruction on a massive _______.

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Câu 639:

Today police _______ a campaign to reduce road accidents.

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Câu 641:

Drunken drivers pose a serious _______ to other road users.

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Câu 644:

Cuba _______ independence from Spain in 1898.

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Câu 646:

It's difficult to make accurate _______ about the effects on the environment.

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Câu 647:

She studied for a _______ in engineering in a famous university.

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Câu 649:

Don't go without _______ goodbye to me, will you?

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Câu 650:

We tried to make a _______ of our situation, but it wasn't really funny.

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Câu 651:

He had to get _______ from his parents to audition for the show.

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Câu 653:

Simon finds it hard to make _______ with other children.

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Câu 654:

You have no right to judge other people by their _______.

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Câu 657:

I'd like to make a small _______ to charity in my mother's name.

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Câu 660:

The school needs to raise _______ for new playground equipment.

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Câu 664:

They couldn't see the _______ of more training.

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Câu 665:

If you are due to graduate soon, you’re probably wondering what happens at a graduation _______.

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Câu 666:

There's an Egyptian art collection on _______ at the museum at the moment.

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Câu 667:

I have no _______ in recommending Ms Shapur for the job.

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Câu 668:

They failed to take the necessary _______ to avoid infection.

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Câu 670:

My weight _______ when I stop eating sugar.

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Câu 672:

I've paid this bill twice by _______.

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Câu 674:

If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the _______ when you're older.

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Câu 676:

He had _______ all his ambitions by the age of 30.

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Câu 678:

The governor's request set in _______ the process for receiving federal funds.

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Câu 680:

We have no _______ to a slight postponement.

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Câu 682:

He will _______ his 1,500 metre title this weekend

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Câu 683:

The children behaved so badly that I lost my _______ and shouted at them.

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Câu 685:

The _______ of students to teachers in the school is nine to one.

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Câu 689:

Tackling a player without the ball is against the _______.

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Câu 691:

The ceremony was _______ live by satellite to over fifty countries.

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Câu 692:

She used to _______ the basketball team before _______ English at the local school.

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Câu 693:

Twenty years later he could still clearly _______ the event.

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Câu 694:

She hit the ball so hard that her _______ had no chance to establish any rhythm in her game.

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Câu 695:

Everyone entering the country needs to show a health _______.

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Câu 697:

_______ in other people's relationships is always a mistake.

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Câu 698:

He was popular as much for his _______ qualities as for his management skills.

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Câu 706:

The building was demolished before a crowd of nearly 200 ______.

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Câu 707:

Grandpa often ______ wonderful stories about the old days.

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Câu 709:

Several nurses working under the ______ of this doctor have made complaints.

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Câu 710:

The newly-married couple went on a ______ to Sapa for their honeymoon.

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Câu 713:

Who do you think I saw yesterday? I’ll give      you three ______.

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Câu 715:

His ______ for learning languages astonished me.

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Câu 716:

All ______ for flight LH103 please proceed to gate 16.

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Câu 719:

No organization has yet claimed ______ for the bomb attack.

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Câu 720:

Three people were killed and five ______ in the crash.

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Câu 722:

In my village, it is ______ for a girl to take her mother's name.

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Câu 723:

I ______ your last email by mistake - could you send it again?

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Câu 724:

The old slums are being ______ to make way for a new housing project.

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Câu 725:

He managed to ______ the mood from tense to relaxed in minutes.

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Câu 726:

Debit cards are becoming the payment ______ of choice for many consumers.

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Câu 728:

She was Swiss and I am from Vietnam, so French was our ______ language.

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Câu 729:

The doctor ______ her body carefully but could find nothing wrong.

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Câu 731:

Many people criticized the repressive methods _______ by the country's government.

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Câu 732:

Linda was so excited that she just couldn't _______ herself

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Câu 733:

My friend’s party ______ with my brother's wedding, so I won't be able to go.

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Câu 734:

The measure has so far done little to ______ the spread of the coronavirus.

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Câu 736:

I think he is too timid and he should try to ______ himself more.

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Câu 737:

Failure to ______ club rules may result in expulsion.

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Câu 739:

She ______ her disappointment, saying, "That's OK, it doesn't matter."

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Câu 744:

I'm trying to lose weight, so I'm ______ lunch today.

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Câu 745:

The ______ flavors of Thai cookery are coriander and lime.

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Câu 746:

You would pass your exams if you ______ yourself.

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Câu 747:

We were ______ with joy and relief, as well as profound gratitude.

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Câu 750:

I was so confused that I could hardly ______ my thoughts.

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Câu 752:

A child's character is in part ______ by the schools he or she attends.

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Câu 753:

All my confidence ______ me when I walked into the exam.

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Câu 755:

I've been trying to solve this problem all week, but I still haven't ______ it.

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Câu 756:

My teacher requires a ______ translation of the text so I have to do it carefully.

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Câu 758:

The disease is ______ through dirty drinking water.

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Câu 759:

The patient ______ signs of fatigue and memory loss.

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Câu 761:

She ______ herself that the letter was still in the drawer.

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Câu 762:

John ______ to Linda in August and now they have a happy family.

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Câu 763:

All the English teams were ______ in the early stages of the competition.

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Câu 764:

Computer games used to ______ primarily to boys.

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Câu 767:

Kevin's been ______ after Joan for months but she didn't agree to go out on a date.

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Câu 769:

We need a final meeting to ______ the matter once and for all.

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Câu 773:

They met a couple of times but they didn't really ______.

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Câu 775:

The scheme ______ in the face of determined opposition.

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Câu 776:

Your first week in the job will be spent ______ one of our more experienced employees.

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Câu 778:

We want to ______ a better future for our children.

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Câu 779:

As a top lawyer, he can expect to ______ a six-figure salary.

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Câu 780:

I don't know what his opinion is. He won't ______ himself.

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Câu 782:

I used to hate exercise, but my sister has ______ me to it.

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Câu 783:

Your health is what ______ - the cost of the treatment is not important.

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Câu 784:

She felt completely ______ by the teacher's criticism.

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Câu 787:

He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will ______.

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Câu 791:

Liz and I really ______ the first time we met.

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Câu 792:

I don't think we should expand our business in the current economic ______

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Câu 793:

Many parents ______ themselves so that their children can have the best.

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Câu 794:

Even though he's 86, he ______ excellent health.

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Câu 798:

The office was ______ with applications for the job.

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Câu 799:

Children are being ______ to new dangers on the internet.

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Câu 802:

We'll have to work at a(n) ______ pace if we're going to finish on time.

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Câu 803:

He always ______ on us the need to do our best.

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Câu 804:

I know Charles doesn't think this project is important, but it ______ to me.

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Câu 807:

For patients who do not ______ to drug treatment, surgery is a possible option.

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Câu 809:

He was badly ______ by the news of her death.

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Câu 810:

I had been ______ by his kindness to my aunts.

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Câu 812:

This rain could ______ our plans for the barbecue.

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Câu 815:

It is unlikely that such countries will ______ capitalist ideas.

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Câu 816:

Laws exist to stop companies ______ their employees.

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Câu 817:

They are unlikely to ______ much benefit from the trip.

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Câu 818:

He was able to ______ himself through his painting.

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Câu 819:

His good looks helped him on the ______ to success.

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Câu 820:

I try to ______ myself to one dessert a day.

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Câu 821:

We had to ______ our plans when I lost my job.

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Câu 823:

As the plot ______, you gradually realize that all your initial assumptions were wrong.

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Câu 824:

We always try to ______ our clients with financial assistance if necessary.

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Câu 825:

During football season, he’s ______ to the TV and neglected his study.

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Câu 826:

One of the victims of the fire remains in a(n) ______ condition.

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Câu 828:

He still ______ ambitions of playing professional soccer.

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Câu 829:

He had long ______ a deep hatred of his brother.

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Câu 831:

Carla got a ______ for making a U-turn on a bridge.

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Câu 832:

Laura gave the police a full ______ of the incident.

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Câu 834:

The earthquake in Turkey has ______ the news for the past few days.

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Câu 835:

It is a movie that ______ both the mind and the eye.

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Câu 836:

Jane is better ______ than I am to handle such complex questions.

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Câu 838:

To join the club, you have to ______ to buy a minimum of six books a year.

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Câu 841:

His face ______ extreme disapproval of what he had witnessed.

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Câu 842:

I'm on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to ______ me.

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Câu 843:

The law ______ that all children must go to school.

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Câu 845:

Call your doctor if the symptoms ______ for more than three days.

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Câu 847:

If there’s anything else I can do, I’m always happy to ______.

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Câu 848:

Young designers are ______ new life into the fashion industry.

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Câu 849:

Religion ______ every aspect of our lives.

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Câu 852:

She showed an amazing ______ for mind-reading.

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Câu 853:

The invitation did not ______ to family members.

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Câu 854:

The game was watched by a(n) ______ crowd of 50,000.

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Câu 855:

As the sixth of ten children, he never received much ______.

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Câu 856:

The exhibition was ______ by the museum's director.

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Câu 857:

The letter is for both of us, but it mainly ______ you.

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Câu 859:

They stopped at the top of the hill to ______ the scenery.

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Câu 863:

The bond offers great benefits for issuers without ______ any harm to investors.

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Câu 873:

I'm hoping to ______ a chemistry degree.

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Câu 874:

My class is ______ a project on medieval towns.

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Câu 875:

You have to do more ______ if you want to keep fit.

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Câu 881:

Measures are being ______ to reduce crime in the city.

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Câu 883:

If you keep ______ your promises, people will stop believing you.

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Câu 892:

The doctor broke the ______ to the family that the grandmother had cancer.

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Câu 893:

When you do ______, you need to pay attention to your body's position and your breath.

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Câu 913:

We had to get ______ from the city to build an extension to our house.

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Câu 917:

He made a (an) ______ about the room and the hotel changed his booking.

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Câu 918:

To make ends ______, Phil picked up a second job delivering pizzas.

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Câu 919:

She ______ a lot of pride in running such a successful business.

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Câu 921:

She's ______ a course in macroeconomics that sounds really interesting.

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Câu 922:

Once the decision was ______, Sam thought about how it could be done.

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Câu 924:

The student was nervous to make a ______ in front of the whole school.

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Câu 930:

One cannot be successful in business unless one is willing to take ______.

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Câu 934:

He was unwilling to ____ a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year.

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Câu 936:

The doctor ______ a look at Gene's throat and swollen glands.

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Câu 940:

Mary’s voice _______ yours.

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Câu 941:

Living in the countryside is _______ than living in a big city.

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Câu 942:

This problem is much _______ to solve than I thought it would be.

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Câu 943:

Strawberries contain _______ vitamin C than oranges.

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Câu 944:

Global warming is one of _______ things that could have happened.

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Câu 945:

Of the three courses I attended, this one is _______.

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Câu 946:

Of the two courses I attended, this one is _______.

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Câu 947:

Apple laptops are really stylish, but they cost _______ as other laptops.

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Câu 949:

Of the two films I watched last weekend, The Blacklist is _______.

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Câu 950:

Being loved by the person you love is _______ happiness.

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Câu 951:

Scientists and researchers say that Earth’s climate is getting _______.

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Câu 952:

_______ Vietnamese students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in a foreign country.

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Câu 953:

You should study harder right now. Winning a place at university is becoming _______

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Câu 954:

The more beer Tom drinks, _______ he will become.

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Câu 955:

Tom _______ his brother.

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Câu 956:

Physics is much _______ than other science subjects.

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Câu 957:

Containers are far _______ usual cars.

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Câu 958:

I have _______ books than Peterson.

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Câu 959:

Johny is _______ football player in our class.

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Câu 960:

Harry Potter is _______ novel I have ever read.

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Câu 961:

My sister doesn’t go swimming _______ I do.

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Câu 962:

That dress is really beautiful, but it costs _______ as this one.

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Câu 963:

Lily doesn’t have _______ money as her husband does.

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Câu 964:

Environmental activities deserve _______ than they have received so far.

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Câu 965:

Linda is _______ girl in her class.

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Câu 966:

The street is becoming _______ at rush hour.

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Câu 967:

Life in the city is _______ than life in the countryside.

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Câu 968:

In the winter, it gets _______ at night.

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Câu 969:

The more flowers you grow, _______ your garden will be.

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Câu 970:

We can't afford _______ abroad this summer.

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Câu 971:

He reluctantly _______ to pay for the damage.

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Câu 972:

We texted each other all the time and arranged _______ up again.

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Câu 973:

The couple appeared _______ nothing in common.

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Câu 974:

Anyone with information is asked _______ the police.

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Câu 975:

Two factories were closed in an attempt _______ costs.

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Câu 976:

I hesitate _______ he lied but he certainly misled me.

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Câu 977:

I hope _______ a job within the next two weeks.

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Câu 979:

The hijackers are _______ to speak to representatives of both governments.

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Câu 981:

We _______ to discover we had a friend in common.

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Câu 982:

I am sorry but I never intend _______ you.

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Câu 983:

The army veteran may have to learn _______ again.

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Câu 984:

Somehow, he'd managed _______ Kay to buy a car for him.

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Câu 985:

Peter offered _______ them water-skiing.

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Câu 986:

Now the college plans _______ international scholarships in her name.

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Câu 987:

I suggested _______ the matter to the committee.

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Câu 988:

When hearing his footsteps, I pretended _______ asleep.

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Câu 989:

The college principal promised _______ into the matter.

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Câu 990:

She refused _______ further.

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Câu 991:

They seem _______ what they're doing.

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Câu 992:

The hijackers threatened _______ one passenger every hour if their demands were not met.

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Câu 993:

She admitted _______ the car without insurance.

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Câu 994:

What I really want _______ is why you would even think that?

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Câu 995:

This course is designed for people wishing _______ their computer skills.

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Câu 997:

I remember _______ pictures of him when I was a child.

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Câu 998:

I try to _______ going shopping on Saturdays.

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Câu 999:

Practise _______ the car into the garage.

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Câu 1000:

We regret _______ you that your application has not been successful.

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Câu 1001:

She _______ herself sitting in her favourite chair back home.

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Câu 1002:

He didn't _______ us enough time to finish the test.

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Câu 1004:

We expected _______ her here, but I guess she decided not to come.

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Câu 1005:

She was looking forward _______ the grandchildren again.

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Câu 1006:

I'd advise _______ until tomorrow.

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Câu 1008:

I'm not used _______ so much at lunchtime.

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Câu 1009:

Did you hear him _______ that he would leave for London?

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Câu 1010:

I tried _______ him but there was no answer.

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Câu 1011:

They were _______ not to climb the mountain in such bad weather.

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Câu 1012:

Have you considered _______ your own business?

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Câu 1013:

Remind me _______ Alan before I go out.

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Câu 1014:

I really enjoyed _______ the film again.

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Câu 1015:

Would you _______ explaining that again, please?

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Câu 1016:

Many people choose not _______.

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Câu 1017:

Be quiet! He hasn't _______ speaking.

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Câu 1018:

He recommended _______ the book before seeing the movie.

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Câu 1019:

We managed _______ to the airport in time.

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Câu 1024:

They can also provide reassurance to people ______ are alone in dangerous situations.

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Câu 1029:

He's marrying a girl ______ family don’t seem to like him

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Câu 1032:

I want to know the reason ______ you decide to leave me.

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Câu 1034:

He took out a photo of his son, ______ he adores.

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Câu 1037:

Last weekend, we visited the church ______ in the 18th century.

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Câu 1039:

The woman ______ English at my school is Mrs Brown.

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Câu 1040:

The 31st SEA Games, ______ in Vietnam in 2022, left a deep impression on the participants.

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Câu 1042:

If she wins this match, she will become the first German tennis player ______ the championship.

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Câu 1044:

Who was the first human being ______ into space?

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Câu 1046:

The rock band was just a ______ in the pan with one hit in 2005.

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Câu 1048:

It was a real ______ in the face when my best friend didn't invite me to the wedding.

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Câu 1052:

Jack was reported to be in ______ for the job of team manager.

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Câu 1053:

We’ve managed to stay in the ______ for over a year now.

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Câu 1055:

I  knew beyond a ______ of a doubt that something bad had happened.

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Câu 1057:

Her research has brought to ______ new information about Jefferson's early life.

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Câu 1058:

High school students often burn the midnight ______ before a big exam.

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Câu 1060:

Try to ______ your mind back to the last conversation you had with her.

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Câu 1063:

They needed 60 votes to pass the bill, but they fell ______ by 12 votes.

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Câu 1065:

Our plans to expand went by the ______ for lack of funding.

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Câu 1068:

I'm going to give that mechanic a ______ of my mind if the car's not fixed this time.

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Câu 1069:

The deal with the house fell through so I'm afraid we're back to ______ one.

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Câu 1070:

Thanks for your comments - they have given us plenty of _____ for thought.

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Câu 1071:

I could see that Laura was in a bad mood, so I gave her a ______ berth.

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Câu 1072:

The council has given the ______ light to the new shopping center.

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Câu 1077:

I advised her to keep a low ______ for the next few days.

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Câu 1080:

I'm worried that we're losing ______ of our original objectives.

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Câu 1086:

Off the top of my ______, I'd say we have about 200 members.

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Câu 1087:

The company put the project on the back ______.

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Câu 1089:

I think our marriage is on the ______ because of financial difficulties.

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Câu 1093:

I want to know who's pulling the ______ around here.

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Câu 1094:

He wasn't pulling his ______, so he had to go.

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Câu 1096:

Raising taxes now would put the ______ on economic recovery.

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Câu 1097:

There's something odd about him, but I can't quite put my ______ on it.

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Câu 1099:

There's a lot of work to do, so roll up your ______ and get busy.

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Câu 1100:

The doctor's advice is to let the fever run its ______. 

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Câu 1101:

Three days later, the hikers were found safe and ______.

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Câu 1102:

You were sailing a little close to the ______ there when you made those remarks about his wife.

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Câu 1104:

He's annoying to argue with because he keeps shifting his ______.

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Câu 1109:

Her speech struck a sympathetic ______ among business leaders.

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Câu 1112:

Mind if I take a ______ check on that drink? I have to work late tonight.

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Câu 1118:

If you want to get ahead, you’d better learn to toe the ______.

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Câu 1121:

Do you want a lift or will you get there under your own ______?

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Câu 1126:

The narrative in this book plays second fiddle to the excellent photographs.

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Câu 1127:

We work together but we aren’t on the same wavelength.

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Câu 1128:

The boys all ran off when they broke the windows, leaving me to face the music.

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Câu 1129:

I was going to try bungee jumping, but I got cold feet.

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Câu 1131:

The situation changes daily, so you need to keep your finger on the pulse.

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Câu 1132:

They were both playing amazing tennis. Everyone was on the edge of their seats the entire time.

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Câu 1136:

John made fun of my looks when he’s no oil painting himself.

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Câu 1139:

I have to keep an eye on my brother while my parents are out.

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Câu 1140:

If you know that you did your best, you can hold your head high.

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Câu 1141:

The unacceptable way they have treated those poor people makes my blood boil.

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Câu 1142:

I’m going to lay my cards on the table and say that I don’t like the idea.

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Câu 1143:

The name rang a bell but I couldn't remember where I had heard it before.

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