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Question 18 - 21 refer to following conversation: E-Commerce Opening Doors for African Fashion Industry ADDIS ABABA (6 May) - Africa's role as a consumer of fashion has been on the rise in recent years. This trend is largely due to the emergence of e-commerce, which provides Africans the opportunity to buy clothing from retailers with no physical presence on the continent. Perhaps more importantly, though, the growth of e-commerce is enabling small-scale African designers to also become producers of fashion, as they showcase their collections to consumers worldwide. African shopping Web sites like Jumjum and Longa are making the work of African designers available for purchase not just throughout the continent, but also as far away as London and New York. - [1] - . "African designers are finally gaining visibility," says Mazaa Absher, founder of Abbi Sportscore, Afri ca's fastest-growing athletic footwear company. "We have always had terrific design and production capacity here on the continent, but it was hard getting it out into the world. Now we are generating more sales online than we are in our stores." - [2] - . Even as Ms. Absher has transformed her company into an international powerhouse, she continues to highlight the advantages of manufacturing its products in her home city of Nazret. - [3] - . Africa's strong textile sector and innovative designs combine tradition and wearability, and this formula is allowing companies like hers to set their sights beyond the continent. "As more cities in Ethiopi a-and all over Africa- improve their manufacturing capacity, it will become easier to reach the rest of the world," says Ms. Absher. - [4] - . 18. What is the main topic of the article?