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In most lines of this text there is one unnecessary word. It is either incorrect grammatically, or does not fit the sense of the text. Write the unnecessary word in the space beside the text. Tick (√) each correct line. There are two examples at the beginning. Transfer your answers to your answer sheet. I am really keen on going to the cinema, so I’ve got lots of favourite films. But the best one as I’ve seen lately is called “Pressure”. In some ways, I suppose that you could regard it as a detective film but it’s different from most films of that kind because the characters are they such unusual people. The detective in it, for example, is a computer expert who solves crimes on her computer using information given to her by her assistants, who go out and interview to people. The case in the film concerns about the wife of a millionaire, who has gone missing. Sometimes the plot gets a bit complicated but it isn’t too hard to keep up with it. There are a lot of strange characters in it, such as a man who always wears two hats on, and some of the scenes really made me laugh. Also, there is a big surprise at the end but I won’t say what that is in the case you go to see it. It’s very well acted and I also like the music in it. But what do I really like most about the film is that it’s so original- I’ve certainly seen another film quite like that. 0 …√………  00 …as………  1 …………  2 …….………  3 ….………  4 ……………  5 ……..………  6 …….…….  7 …….….…  8……….……  9. ……….…….. 10. …………….
You are going to read a magazine article about learning how to fly a plane. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-I the one that fits each gap (1-8). There is one extra paragraph that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered table below. A. A week which we had set aside for finishing the course came and went with no possibility of getting in the air at all. And besides the problems with the weather, my second son was born, and that made it even more difficult to find the time for lessons and studying. B. But the real reason I chose this club was that a friend of mine, Andrew Wilkins, is the chief instructor there. He impressed me by taking me out for a free flight just so that I could see what it was like. C. Unfortunately, I got myself lost this time and flew too far east. I completely missed the first airport. However, I flew over a car factory I recognised and managed to get back on course.  D. Along the way, he’ll take the controls and fly off course, just to get you lost. Then he’ll hand back the control to you and expect you to find your way home. E. One day I was asked by an air-traffic controller if I could see another aircraft ahead. I said yes, and immediately it disappeared into a cloud. I just didn’t know what to do. F. At the time, taking private lessons to learn how to fly was financially beyond me. So I had to delay my plans to become a pilot for quite a while. It was twenty years, in fact, before I finally enrolled at a flying club in Hertfordshire. G. Since getting my pilot’s license, I’ve been out flying a few times. The highlight so far was flying up to Birmingham International Airport for a motor show with Andrew beside me. As we approached the way, the air-traffic controller came on the radio asking for as much speed as our little plane could manage. H. For months, my head was always in a book and my head hurt from all the facts, figures and flying instructions. I. This feeling of needing a change coincided with my 40th birthday, which started me thinking about what I’d been doing all those years. When I left school all I had really wanted to do was fly. Learning to Fly I had been testing cars and motorcycles for over twenty years. I couldn’t take any more. It wasn’t terribly exciting and, in any case, new cars were beginning to look identical and drive similarly. What I needed was a new challenge. 1  
Complete the brief summary of the passage by selecting the THREE answer choices that express important ideas in the passage. The introductory sentence for the summary is provided bellowed. Scientists look at Venus to predict Earth’s future. ●………………………………………………… ●………………………………………………… ●………………………………………………… Answer Choices A.   Venus once had large bodies of water that elaborated and cause a rapid increase in carbon dioxide. B.   Earth’s wind has a greater velocity than Venus’s because the air movement on Venus is denser and can even more large obstructions. C.   Spaceships landing on Venus, though often crushed by Venus’s atmosphere, have revealed much about its carbon dioxide filled atmosphere. D.   If man could survive the hot temperature of Venus, then he would have to contend with the great surface pressure. E.   The first space probe of Venus was made in 1966. F.    Scientists are concerned that conditions on Earth that propagate significant quantities of carbon dioxide will produce a greenhouse effects similar to Venus’s.
Look at the sentences below about a hotel. Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, write C. If it is incorrect, write I. THE ICEHOTEL For many years the Arctic was a popular destination in the summer season to see the land of the midnight sun but in winter the few inhabitants had the snow and ice to themselves. By the end of the 1980s it was decided that the dark and cold winter should be seen as an advantage. In the winter of 1990 the French artist Jannot Derit was invited to have the opening of an exhibition in a specially built igloo (a building made of snow) in the little town of Jukkasjärvi on the frozen Torne River. The building, named Arctic Hall, attracted many interested visitors to the area. One night a group of foreign guests decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the Arctic Hall. The following morning the brave group were very pleased with their experience and the idea of an ice hotel was born. Today it is world famous. As soon as winter begins, a team of snow builders, architects and artists from all over the world come to Jukkasjärvi and they make the hotel for that year. As one part is completed, it opens to visitors and overnight guests, while the other parts are still being built. The first part is completed in December and each week after that a new part opens, until January 7th when the hotel is completed. As the ICEHOTEL is built under the open sky, using the natural materials of the winter season, the finishing date depends on nature and therefore there are sometimes changes to the plan. In the spring, as the weather gets warmer, the hotel melts. Inside the hotel, the temperature is never colder than –5 °C to –8 °C, however cold it may be outside. Winter outer clothes such as warm overalls, hats and gloves are included in the cost of guests’ stay at the hotel. In addition to this, it is a good idea for guests to bring sweaters and a scarf as well as plenty of woolen socks and to choose footwear that is larger than normal to allow space for thick socks. If you are planning to come to the hotel, you can buy warm sweaters, woolen socks and much more on the ICEHOTEL website. You can order these and the equipment you will need at the same time as you book your visit. The items will be delivered to your room when you check in. The hotel is in the village of Jukkasjärvi, 200 km above the Arctic Circle but only 15 km from Kiruna airport and 17 km from Kiruna train station. Transport by bus can be arranged from the airport or train station to the IceHotel.   During the 1980s, few tourists used to go to the Arctic in summer.