Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 5:

Hartford is a rich city, ________ suffers from many symptoms of urban blight.

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Câu 6:

You need to work harder; ________, you’ll get fired.

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Câu 10:

There was no alcohol in the flat, ________ any tobacco.

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Câu 14:

She could not speak, ________ could she understand anything we said.

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Câu 20:

Wear your clothes ________ you want.

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Câu 25:

He was wearing glasses ________ no one could see his face clearly.

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Câu 30:

Write the answers down ________ you do not forget them.

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Câu 33:

We do not know ________ he will come.

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Câu 41:

Do it ________ you want.

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Câu 43:

Did you go out ______ stay at home?

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Câu 44:

They tried hard ______ did not succeed.

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Câu 46:

I did not see it, ________ did they.

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Câu 47:

________ we miss the last bus, we will walk home.

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Câu 50:

We open the window ________ fresh air could blow into the room.

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