Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 1:

Water ________ of hydrogen and oxygen.

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Câu 2:

Don’t give the chocolate to Helen. She ________ it.

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Câu 3:

The Sun ________ us heat and light.

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Câu 4:

We ________ students, so we ________ to school on weekdays.

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Câu 5:

Every day, Peter ________ at 7 o’clock, ________ breakfast, and then ________ to work at 7.30.

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Câu 6:

California ________ in the United Kingdom. It ________ in the US.

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Câu 7:

Cats ________ milk, but birds ________

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Câu 8:

Every day, Sarah ________ her children to school and then ________ home to prepare lunch.

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Câu 9:

The sun ________ the ball of fire in the sky that the Earth ________ round.

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Câu 10:

Sally ________ really hard for her exams this week.

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Câu 11:

Many people ________ living in Seattle because it ________ continually.

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Câu 12:

The sun ________ in the East and ________ in the West.

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Câu 13:

________ on the computer now?

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Câu 14:

Listen! Mr. Jones ________ the piano. You ________ noise.

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Câu 15:

Right now, Long ________ with his friends. They ________ the differences between British English and American English.

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Câu 16:

- ________ free this afternoon?

     - No, I ________

     - What ________?

     - I ________ my dentist.

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Câu 17:

Listen! Someone ________ at the door. I ________ it.

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Câu 19:

It ________, so we can’t go to the beach.

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Câu 20:

My father ________ complete silence when he ________

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Câu 21:

Since 2003 they ________ their son every year.

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Câu 22:

Usually, Mr. Pile ________ us Physics but today he ________ ill so Mrs. Young ________ us.

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Câu 23:

I am sorry I cannot hear what you ________ because everybody ________ so loudly.

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Câu 24:

I ________ the same car for more than ten years. I ________ about buying a new one.

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Câu 25:

My best friend and I ________ each other for over fifteen years. We still ________ together once a week.

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Câu 29:

My grandfather ________ a very exciting life. When he was young, he ________ on the farm in the country, where there ________ a lot of cattle and meadows.

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Câu 30:

Mary ________ on the essay for two hours now and she ________ that she ________ it in one more hour.

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Câu 31:

I ________ there once a long time ago and ________ back since.

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Câu 32:

Those drivers ________ for three hours when a heavy storm suddenly ________

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Câu 33:

I ________ to visit you yesterday, but you ________ at home.

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Câu 34:

What ________ when the accident ________?

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Câu 35:

We ________ TV when it ________ to rain. A

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Câu 36:

I ________ a mystery movie on TV when the electricity ________ out.

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Câu 37:

While the doctor ________ Mr. Jones, his son ________ outside this morning.

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Câu 38:

When the boss ________ into the office, his secretary ________, and the accountant ________ on the phones.

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Câu 39:

The guard ________ to his iPod, so he ________ the fire alarm.

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Câu 40:

The Titanic ________ the Atlantic when it ________ an iceberg.

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Câu 41:

We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we ________ to the train station, Susan ________ for us for more than two hours.

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Câu 42:

Mike ________ to sit down because he ________ all day at work.

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Câu 43:

The motorcycle ________ to George for years before Tina ________ it last week.

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Câu 44:

No matter what ________ next, I ________ you.

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Câu 45:

Wait a minute. I ________ this box for you.

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Câu 46:

I ________ he ________

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Câu 47:

At this time tomorrow, Peter ________ for the graduation examination, so now he ________ very nervous although he ________ hard for more than 3 years.

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Câu 48:

By this time next summer, you ________ your studies and ________ a job

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Câu 49:

By the time I ________ to the office, the meeting ________ without me. My boss                     furious with me and I ________

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Câu 50:

By the time he ________ next month, he ________ for our company for ten years.

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Câu 51:

Look! There are a lot of clouds! It ________ soon.

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Câu 52:

I am busy. I think I ________ my driving test this week.

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Câu 53:

- I called you last night after dinner, but you were not there. Where ________?

     - I ________ overtime at the fitness center.

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Câu 55:

John ________ for his girlfriend for two hours but she ________ At last, he ________ to the movies without her.

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Câu 56:

By the time we ________ the letter, Tom ________ for Paris.

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Câu 57:

By this time tomorrow, we ________ on the beach of Hawaii, where we ________ before.

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Câu 58:

After the boy ________ that the wallet full of money, he ________ to the police and ________ it in.

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Câu 59:

Sandy ________ TV in the living room at the moment. At this time yesterday, she ________ television. That is all she ________ doing the most.

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Câu 60:

Jeans which ________ by Levi Strauss in 1850 ________ one of the most popular kinds of clothes in our present time.

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Câu 61:

He ________ his boss at this time tomorrow.

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Câu 62:

- How much is this book?

     - $10.

     - OK. I ________ it.

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Câu 63:

What ________ since 8 am up to now?

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Câu 64:

Computers ________ in use since 1946.

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Câu 65:

________ to Paris before?

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Câu 66:

Mr. Pike ________ lunch at home with his wife, but today he ________ lunch with his friends. Mrs. Pike ________ to London since two days ago.

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Câu 67:

John ________ a lot. In fact, when he ________ only two years old, he first ________ to the USA.

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Câu 68:

Before we ________ a computer, we ________ that typewriter to type our assignments.

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Câu 69:

John ________ in France, but his parents ________ in Cologne, Germany after living there for five years.

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Câu 70:

We ________ each other one day while John ________ a book in the library and I ________ down beside him.

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Câu 71:

John ________ his parents in France at the moment. He ________ in New York, but ________ his parents for the past few weeks.

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Câu 72:

-________ to come over for dinner tonight?

     - Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. I _______ to a movie tonight with some friends.

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Câu 73:

He _______ a good day until a thief ________ into his apartment, _______ all his money, and _______ him up.

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Câu 74:

- Where ________ on holiday?

     - I don’t know. We ________ yet.

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Câu 75:

When I ________ the street I ________ somebody call my name.

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Câu 76:

The train ________ at 8.58, so we ________ in Scotland by lunchtime.

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Câu 77:

I think by the time we ________ there, Jim ________

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Câu 78:

I ________ the time when I ________ as a teacher.

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Câu 79:

Women ________ in presidential elections since 1921.

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Câu 80:

By the time the boss ________ at 9.00, his employees ________ for two hours.

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Câu 81:

- I am hungry. I ________ lunch yet.

     - Don’t worry. I ________ you a sandwich.

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Câu 82:

Do you think everything ________ when we ________ from the store?

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Câu 83:

Look! Mary ________ a beautiful new dress. She ________ so pretty in the dress.

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Câu 84:

I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we ________ up tomorrow morning, the sun ________.

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Câu 85:

When the president ________ off the plane, the crowd ________ for him for half an hour.

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Câu 86:

Jane ________ at my house when you ________

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Câu 87:

They ________ here for three years before you ________ last week.

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Câu 89:

The students ________ chapter 5 next week, so they ________ to prepare for It now.

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Câu 90:

By the time John ________ to help, we ________ the work.

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Câu 91:

Mary sometimes ________ to turn off the computer before she ________ home.

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Câu 92:

They ________ good preparations before they ________ their final examination yesterday.

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Câu 93:

He ________ a birthday party tomorrow for his daughter who ________ three.

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Câu 94:

When Susan ________ yesterday, Peter ________ dinner. He ________ cooking very much and often ________ the meals himself.

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Câu 95:

They ________ to finish their work because they ________ Los Angeles next Sunday.

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Câu 96:

At present Mary ________ her clothes. She ________ the clothes on Sundays.

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Câu 97:

I ________ that movie before last night.

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Câu 98:

I ________ Lisa at the museum when I ________ to restaurant but she ________ me.

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Câu 100:

By the time John ________ the destination, he ________ for about three hours.

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