Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 1:

She likes reading ________ books, collecting ________ stamps and going to ________ cinema.

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Câu 4:

My friend is ________ fireman. Let’s ask him for ________ help.

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Câu 5:

She is ________ MC. She can help us to entertain ________ guests in our wedding.

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Câu 6:

________ more you read ________ smarter you are.

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Câu 9:

She is staying at ________ hotel in a small town in ________ Colorado. ________ town is near Denver.

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Câu 10:

She is thinking about attending ________ English course in ________ summer.

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Câu 11:

I went to _______ airport at 6:00 AM yesterday. I had to catch ________ flight to ________ Paris.

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Câu 14:

________ Mount Everest is in ________ Himalayas. It is ________ tallest mount in the world.

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Câu 15:

Barack Obama is ________ President of ________ United States.

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Câu 16:

________ atheist does not believe in ________ God.

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Câu 18:

He never listens to ________ radio. He prefers watching ________ television.

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Câu 19:

I do not go to ________ theatre very often. I prefer ________ films to ________ plays.

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Câu 21:

________ university will be built in ________ center of the town.

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Câu 22:

________ River Nile is ________ longest river of all.

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Câu 23:

________ smog is ________ big problem in ________ big cities.

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Câu 24:

________ Women’s Day is on ________ eighth of March.

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Câu 25:

Many people voluntarily offer care for ________ elderly and ________ disabled.

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Câu 26:

By ________ time we had just left the office, ________ alarm went off.

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Câu 28:

He grew up in ________ orphanage in ________ United Kingdom.

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Câu 30:

What _______ make is your car? It is _______ Toyota Altis.

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Câu 32:

That car can run at ________ speed of 180 miles ________ hour.

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Câu 34:

   ________ most children like ________ sweets.

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Câu 36:

________ experience is ________ best teacher.

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Câu 37:

I happened to see Mary on ________ way ________ home.

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Câu 40:

________ River Thames flows through London, ________ capital of England.

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Câu 41:

________ last night the hurricane was heading into ________ Gulf of Mexico.

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Câu 42:

In ________ Britain ________ cars run on ________ left.

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Câu 43:

Each of US is ________ unique combination of ________ health and ________ sickness.

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Câu 45:

________ Taylors decided that they would employ ________ architect to do ________ work.

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Câu 49:

Look! ________ school of ________ fish is in the lake.

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