Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 1:

Learning foreign languages ________ a lot of time.

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Câu 2:

Meeting you ________ a good chance.

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Câu 4:

Beautiful white teeth ________ to make our smile more attractive.

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Câu 5:

Children ________ good care from their parents.

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Câu 6:

Look! The cattle ________ on the meadow.

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Câu 12:

Rickets ________ popular among some countries in Africa.

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Câu 13:

Of all high school courses, mathematics ________ to be difficult.

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Câu 14:

Economics ________ at high school.

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Câu 15:

John’s information ________ us a lot.

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Câu 16:

The furniture ________ Economics ________ at high school.

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Câu 18:

The Philippines ________ 7,107 islands in the western Pacific Ocean.

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Câu 21:

There ________ three pencils, a pen, and a book on the table.

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Câu 22:

Four times four divided by two ________ eight.

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Câu 23:

Two-fifths of the troops ________ in the battle last year.

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Câu 24:

Two-fifths of the vineyard ________ by fire last night.

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Câu 29:

The secretary and cashier of our club ________ Ms. Young.

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Câu 32:

Rice and chicken, my favorite dish, ________ by my mother.

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Câu 33:

The members and the chairman ________ together recently.

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Câu 35:

My friends and my mother ________ each other.

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Câu 36:

Your pair of trousers ________ in the closet.

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Câu 39:

Either my father or my brothers ________ the house.

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Câu 40:

Neither the employees nor the boss ________ the solution.

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Câu 41:

John or you ________ our grandfather next weekend.

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Câu 42:

Not only the students but also their instructor ________ to the principal’s office.

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Câu 45:

Peter, as well as my two brothers, ________ football in the school yard every afternoon.

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Câu 46:

Most of the milk ________ bad except three bottles of milk which ________ still in the refrigerator.

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Câu 47:

It ________ not the faculty members but the president who ________ this issue.

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Câu 48:

The department members, but not the chairman, ________ not to work on Valentine’s Day.

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Câu 49:

Anyone who wants to pursue higher education ________ to pass entrance exams.

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Câu 50:

More than one student     to do those mathematic puzzles which ________ by the teacher last week.

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