17000 bài tập tách từ đề thi thử môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án (Phần 2)

14397 lượt thi 1926 câu hỏi 120 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 13:

Jet lag causes problems with our _____ clock.

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Câu 28:

The boss _______ because he was always behind the deadlines.

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Câu 34:

The packaging materials for these goods should be _____ substances.

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Câu 84:

_____ is wiping out many kinds of plants and animals.

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Câu 86:

I won't buy that car because it has too much _____ on it.

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Câu 98:

I don't have time to argue with this self - _____ women.

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Câu 101:

John will never buy you a drink - he's far too _____

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Câu 122:

We're best friends as we have a ______ interest in music.

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Câu 130:

I've got lots of _______, but only a few are really good friends.

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Câu 137:

I felt my face burning with____

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Câu 147:

A home for children whose parents are dead is called a(n)_____

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Câu 153:

We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are______ .

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Câu 154:

My sister is a woman of____ age.

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Câu 156:

 People are encouraged to take bottles to bottle-banks, and only shops in supermarkets which use _______  packing.


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Câu 159:

As a calculator, computer can__

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Câu 165:

Those flowers are ___ everywhere is a sign of spring.

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Câu 166:

The wine had made him a little _______ and couldn't control his movement.

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Câu 167:

Failing to submit the proposal on time was _____ for Tom.

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Câu 169:

Time was up, and the judges____the results.

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Câu 189:

He sent his children to the park so that he could have some ______.

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Câu 190:

I ________ to see Chris on my way home.

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Câu 192:

Another _____ will be drawn from the experiment.

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Câu 193:

Like most marine mammals and land mammals, whales are _______ creatures

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Câu 204:

 _______ are poised to change the face of the construction industry in the coming year,

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Câu 219:

A good friend should _____ you whatever happens.

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Câu 223:

It was a serious operation but he made a complete recovery and was soon as fit as a fiddle.

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Câu 225:

When the Titanic started sinking, the passengers were _____.

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Câu 228:

I used to _____ reading comics, but now I’ve grown out of it.

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Câu 230:

If you are not Japanese, so what _____ are you?

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Câu 233:

Someone is going to have to take responsibility for this disaster. Who is going to_____?

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Câu 238:

When the light _____, we couldn't see anything

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Câu 246:

Therapists are currently using mental imagery in the hope that _____ in the treatment of cancer.

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Câu 249:

Jane is a very sociable girl. She likes parties and _______.

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Câu 250:

Of the two sisters, Thuy Kieu is the _____.

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Câu 261:

I like doing _______ such as cooking, washing and cleaning the house.

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Câu 266:

Paul is a very _______ character, he is never relaxed with strangers.

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Câu 268:

The house that we used to live in is in a very _______ state.

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Câu 270:

Housework is less tiring and boring thanks to the invention of _______ devices.

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Câu 273:

Although he is my friend, I find it hard to _______ his selfishness

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Câu 281:

Stress and tiredness often lead to lack of _______.

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Câu 284:

The organization underwent _________ reforms.

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Câu 292:

Although she is my sister, I find it hard to _________ her selfishness.

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Câu 293:

David refused _________ in the contest because he was ill.

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Câu 298:

I’ve been ___________ with my friends for a couple of years.

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Câu 301:

The _________ of new technology transformed our lives.

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Câu 306:

After a long working day, she felt _________.

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Câu 307:

These _________ boys often play tricks on their friends.

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Câu 320:

Making mistakes is all _________ of growing up.

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Câu 328:

I’ve broken her favorite vase. I’m _________.

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Câu 330:

When my teacher was away on holiday, Mr Nam had to _________ her

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Câu 335:

That women died of a drug _________.

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Câu 342:

You look upset. Have you and Kelly _________again?

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Câu 349:

My brother and I will never get along. We’re _________.

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Câu 351:

His _________ and bad work led to his dismissal from the company.

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Câu 352:

The smell of the sea _________her childhood.

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Câu 354:

My mother has _________ for a bargain.

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Câu 356:

My grandfather is getting old and forgetful. _________, he is experienced.

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Câu 366:

He expects that the new trend will soon ___________here.

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Câu 379:

_____________ , I realized I should have applied to the university.

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Câu 382:

Their trip to London didn’t _____________ expectations.

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Câu 388:

People are encouraged to take bottles to bottle-banks, and only shops in supermarkets which use _____________ packing.

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Câu 401:

His country has _____________ climate.

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Câu 415:

This book is so interesting that I can’t _____________ .

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Câu 416:

Thank you for _____________ me.

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Câu 424:

She sent her children to the park so that she could have some _____________ .

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Câu 427:

Each of us must take _____________ for our own actions.

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Câu 429:

Many villages were _____________ by the floods last year.

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Câu 476:

Their house is _____________ decorated.

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Câu 485:

My car isn’t ___. It’s always letting me down.

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Câu 493:

Don’t worry. He’ll do the job as _____________ as possible.

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Câu 519:

I accidentally _______ my ex and his girlfriend when I was walking along a street yesterday.

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Câu 524:

Certificates provide proof of your ______

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Câu 526:

I don’t understand what these results _______.

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Câu 539:

She was _______ out of 115 applicants for the position of managing Director.

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Câu 544:

Delegates will meet with _______ from industry and the government.

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Câu 550:

Why is he always _______ the subject of money?

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Câu 551:

We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are _______.

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Câu 552:

It is not _______ to be drunk in the street.

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Câu 576:

With all due respect, I think your comments are_________.

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Câu 584:

You should go to your dentist for regular__________.

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Câu 586:

Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources_______

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Câu 591:

All his hard work ____________ in great success

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Câu 592:

Jane is very ___________ about her career.

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Câu 599:

She was much less _____________ than her sister.

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Câu 604:

I __________ my Mum by cooking dinners for her.

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Câu 614:

This statue is a lifelike ___________ of Christ Jesus.

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Câu 617:

John will never buy you a drink - he’s far too ________.

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Câu 622:

The sports event was ___________ and successfully organized.

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Câu 629:

He told everyone that he had flu, but in fact, he had just  __  a cold.

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Câu 638:

She should have been here but she's ____________ chicken flu.

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Câu 640:

I won't buy that car because it has too much ___________ on it.

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Câu 641:

The fraction 3/4 is pronounced ____________.

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Câu 642:

After a __________ match, the team from Chia emerged as the winner.

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Câu 648:

I didn’t take up his recommendation as he sounded so ___________ .

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Câu 659:

The disaster has caused_______damage to the area.

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Câu 665:

The sick child must stay away from others because he has a_____disease.

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Câu 670:

The murderer was_______to a lifetime imprisonment.

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Câu 672:

We still meet up for a drink and a chat once_______.

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Câu 681:

Are there any interesting_____in the paper?

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Câu 682:

We’ve decided to interview only ten _________ for the job.

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Câu 686:

I think you should stay_______.

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Câu 687:

None of US has ever_________of cheating in class.

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Câu 695:

Many______crafts such as weaving are now being revived.

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Câu 699:

Paul is a very________character; he is never relaxed with strangers.

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Câu 705:

Tom is getting ever keener on doing research on_______.

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Câu 719:

They are always _______ of what their children do

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Câu 724:

This city has four million ________.'

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Câu 734:

My brother has no _____ in football.

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Câu 737:

Jane’s very modest, always _____ her success.

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Câu 740:

The fraction 3/5 is pronounced _____.

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Câu 741:

_____ he was lazy, he failed the exam.

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Câu 746:

This city has four million _____.

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Câu 747:

In this job, experience accounts for more than paper _____.

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Câu 750:

This statue is a lifelike _____ of Christ Jesus.

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Câu 753:

It is not _____ to be drunk in the street.

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Câu 770:

There was _____ evidence to bring charges against the man.

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Câu 774:

Through an _____, your letter was left unanswered.

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Câu 788:

I accidentally______ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.

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Câu 797:

Through an ______, your letter was left unanswered.

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Câu 798:

There should be an international law against ______.

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Câu 800:

They are always _________of what their children do.'

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Câu 801:

Not all historical sites that are found _____.

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Câu 803:

The _____ horse ran away from the fire.

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Câu 810:

He left the country _____ arrest if he returned.

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Câu 815:

What I like best of him is his ______.

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Câu 825:

With so much ______, I’m lucky to be in work

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Câu 831:

I found the lecture about environment very ______ .

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Câu 836:

The water is __________. You can’t drink it.

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Câu 837:

His illness made him _______ of concentration.

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Câu 840:

Darren _______ deleted three hours of homework with one click.

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Câu 842:

This surface __________ rough but it __________ smooth.

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Câu 843:

This __________ dictionary includes a few animations.

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Câu 845:

John will never buy you a drink – he’s far too _______.

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Câu 849:

I am not against the plan at all; _______, I think it is marvelous.

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Câu 867:

Very few planets are _____ because of lack of water and oxygen.

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Câu 900:

The equator is an ______ line that divides the earth into two.

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Câu 907:

I couldn’t believe my eyes. She .................. in that pink kimono.

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Câu 912:

Prejudice is a set of rigid and____________toward a particular group that is formed in disregard of facts.

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Câu 952:

The fire was believed to have been caused by an_______ fault.

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Câu 971:

She showed her .................. by asking lots of trivial questions.

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Câu 981:

The manager is good at .................. difficult customers.

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Câu 982:

The party starts at 9 o'clock so I’ll .................. at 8.30.

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Câu 989:

You will have to .................. if you want to pass the final exam.

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Câu 1004:

He's left his book at home; he's always so..................

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Câu 1006:

The meeting didn’t.................. until late.

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Câu 1018:

The discovery was a major__________for research workers.

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Câu 1019:

I accidentally ________ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.

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Câu 1022:

It’s good idea to see your doctor regularly for ________.

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Câu 1029:

___________is a family unit that consists of a father, a mother, and their children.

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Câu 1036:

Housework is less tiring and boring thanks to the invention of__________devices.

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Câu 1044:

The hotel was terrible, but the wonderful beach_____ our disappointment.

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Câu 1048:

Don’t worry. He’ll do the job as_________as possible.

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Câu 1050:

My car isn’t_________. It’s always letting me down.

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Câu 1057:

Snow and rain ______ of nature.

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Câu 1060:

Learning Spanish isn’t so difficult once you ______.

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Câu 1064:

 Peter has a separate room for his musical _______.

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Câu 1081:

The wine had made him a little ______ and couldn’t control his movement.

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Câu 1085:

It's hard to_______on less than a million a month.

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Câu 1088:

I think I should have_______your mother while I was passing.

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Câu 1095:

The director retired early_______ill health.

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Câu 1098:

My car is quite________.

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Câu 1102:

Our project was successful _____  its practicality.

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Câu 1104:

Learning English isn't so difficult once you_______.

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Câu 1106:

Learning English isn't so difficult once you_______.

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Câu 1109:

"Do you_______your new roommate, or do you two argue?"

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Câu 1111:

He______ a cold sweat because he was too scary of this dog.

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Câu 1114:

People who ______ of violence should be punished.

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Câu 1123:

I’ve been ________ advised not to say anything.

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Câu 1125:

_______ is increasing, which results from economic crisis.

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Câu 1128:

I can’t _______ of a word he is saying.

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Câu 1129:

The number of people traveling by air has been growing _______.

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Câu 1131:

After her illness, Lam had to work hard to _______ his classmates

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Câu 1143:

All the children have gone ________ mumps.

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Câu 1148:

Each of us must take ______ for our own actions.

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Câu 1150:

After her illness, Lam had to work hard to keep pace with his classmates.

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Câu 1156:

The fact is, doctor, I just cannot _______ this dreadful cough.

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Câu 1159:

She jumped and shouted to draw _______ to herself.

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Câu 1161:

I’m afraid a rise in the salary is__________ just now.

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Câu 1164:

For ______, it is certain that in the future some things will be very different.

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Câu 1165:

I like his essay because it is very__________ .

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Câu 1166:

I’ve been ________ advised not to say anything.

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Câu 1168:

I know you have been working very hard today. Let's ________ and go home.

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Câu 1170:

Every day many of us have to ______people that we don’t like.

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Câu 1171:

He couldn't give a ________ explanation for his actions.

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Câu 1173:

To attract the waiter’s attention, wait until you _______ and raise you hand slightly.

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Câu 1175:

A good stereo system doesn’t have to cost ____ and ___. You can find one for a reasonable price.

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Câu 1177:

All the children have gone ________ mumps.

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Câu 1184:

Today’s weather will be a_____________ of yesterday.

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Câu 1190:

Our country has large areas of_________ beauty.

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Câu 1214:

I shall do the job to the best of my _______.

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Câu 1226:

Mai, Lan and Nga are 17, 19, 20 years old ________.

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Câu 1233:

My English is progressing in _________.

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Câu 1267:

This project will create more _____ to local residents

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Câu 1269:

You have to study hard to _______ your classmates

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Câu 1270:

Facial _____ show one’s feelings when he is communicating.

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Câu 1276:

You are old enough to take _____ for what you have done.

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Câu 1288:

Don’t worry. He‘ll do the job as _______as possible.

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Câu 1310:

We can enjoy live programmes through _________ satellites.

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Câu 1315:

Watching videos is becoming a popular form of _________ .

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Câu 1316:

Linda likes wearing ________ clothes.

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Câu 1342:

Her job was so _________ that she decided to quit it.

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Câu 1344:

How many ___________ took part in the 22nd SEA Games?

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Câu 1346:

The mountain gorilla is on the verge of _________.

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Câu 1349:

His pronunciation causes me a lot of _________.

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Câu 1365:

In spite _________ his did not get the highest grade in the final exam.

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Câu 1367:

Mrs. Tam has never lost her _________ for teaching.

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Câu 1372:

Communist is the highest form of _________

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Câu 1376:

Women usually don’t shake hands when being _________.

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Câu 1381:

BuckinghamPalace is a major tourist _________ in London.

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Câu 1385:

Scientific progress supplies us with _________.

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Câu 1402:

These countries are _________ in exporting shrimps.

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Câu 1408:

To my _________, I was not offered the job.

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Câu 1409:

The problem of _________among young people is hard to solve.

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Câu 1411:

The mountain gorilla is on the verge of _________.

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Câu 1429:

The 22nd SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven _________countries.

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Câu 1436:

The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but ______ we still had a good time.

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Câu 1446:

The hotel was terrible, but the wonderful beach_____ our disappointment.'

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Câu 1458:

The explosion was of such ____ that it was heard five miles away.

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Câu 1466:

Spain has little good farmland and lacks many _____ raw materials

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Câu 1467:

Professional gardeners appreciate flowers for their _____ gorgeous colors, and pleasant fragrance.

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Câu 1468:

Dolphins and whales are mammals that _______ lives in water.

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Câu 1471:

We all believe that a happy marriage should be ______ mutual love.

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Câu 1473:

I don’t think this record will ever ______.

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Câu 1481:

No one can decline the ________ of the Alaska wildness.

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Câu 1490:

Art critics and historians alike claim that Van Gogh’s art ______ from that of his contemporaries.

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Câu 1494:

He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an _______ container for his father, a _______ watch for his mother and a doll with ______ for his little sister.

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Câu 1496:

I'm _______ you liked the film. I thought it was rather _________.        

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Câu 1500:

The information in this article is _____ inaccurate.

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Câu 1503:

The more effect you put in this project, ______.

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Câu 1513:

Marie Curie, ______, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.

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Câu 1515:

We're very busy this week. Can you work ___________?

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Câu 1525:

The viewers ______ to his suggestion with a big clap.

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Câu 1535:

Getting promotion also means getting more _______.

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Câu 1547:

Women are supposed to have a longer _______ than men.

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Câu 1556:

With so much ______, I’m lucky to be in work.

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Câu 1562:

I found the lecture about environment very ______ .

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Câu 1567:

The water is __________. You can’t drink it.

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Câu 1568:

His illness made him _______ of concentration.

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Câu 1573:

This surface __________ rough but it __________ smooth.

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Câu 1574:

This __________ dictionary includes a few animations.

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Câu 1576:

John will never buy you a drink – he’s far too _______.

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Câu 1585:

We're very busy this week. Can you work ___________?

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Câu 1601:

You should accept the Nokia mobile phone as a 16-birthday present from your parents delightedly. Don’t ______.

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Câu 1602:

New machinery has enhanced the company’s productivity and ______.

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Câu 1606:

The workers hope there will be a peaceful ______ to the new system.

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Câu 1624:

The equator is an ______ line that divides the earth into two.

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Câu 1637:

Milan is_____________ for fashion and shopping.

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Câu 1654:

Email and instant messaging services have _________ global communication.

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Câu 1678:

Henry was a studious student. He needed no______ to work hard.

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Câu 1682:

Jenny has an _______ command of Japanese cuisine

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Câu 1697:

I don't like John. His ________ complaints make me angry.

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Câu 1708:

He found…………. to answer all the questions within the time given.

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Câu 1716:

Every _______ piece of equipment was sent to the fire.

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Câu 1719:

Most of the_______ in this workshop do not work very seriously or productively.

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Câu 1725:

The equator is an ______ line that divides the Earth into two.

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Câu 1746:

Another _______ will be drawn from the experiment.

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Câu 1748:

Their apartment looks nice. In fact, it’s _______.

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Câu 1757:

Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.

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Câu 1763:

Thanks to my friends’ ______ remarks, my essays have been improved.

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Câu 1766:

Every __________ piece of equipment was sent to the fire.

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Câu 1795:

The narrow streets were lined with ______ shops.

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Câu 1811:

Paul is a very ________ character , he is never relaxed with strangers.

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Câu 1816:

After a six-year relation, Martha and Billy have decided to ________ .

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Câu 1836:

I was most _______ of his efforts to help me during the crisis.

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Câu 1839:

I used to ________ reading comics, but now I’ve grown out of it.

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Câu 1845:

_______, one tin will last for at least six weeks.

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Câu 1849:

What will happen when the world _______ oil?

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Câu 1854:

Each of us must take ________ for our own actions.

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Câu 1855:

I can’t think of any possible _______ for his absence.

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Câu 1859:

Her first novel has been _______ acclaimed as a masterpiece.

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Câu 1870:

I’ve just been offered a new job! Things are _______.

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Câu 1875:

True friends always stand by you when you’re _______.

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Câu 1876:

He was pleased that things were going on _______.

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Câu 1887:

I don’t like John. His ______ complaints make me angry.

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Câu 1894:

Are you taking _______ this semester?

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Câu 1905:

_______ are that stock price will go up in the coming months.

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Câu 1907:

I could tell from the_______look on his face that something strange _________.

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Câu 1909:

Such ________ that he would stop at nothing.

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Câu 1910:

Wood that has been specially treated is_________regular wood.

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Câu 1918:

__________, he was unharmed after being hit by the lightning.

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