15000 bài tập tách từ đề thi thử môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án (Phần 30)

  • 10041 lượt thi

  • 50 câu hỏi

  • 60 phút

Câu 1:


Always arrive early. If you do not know (23) ___________ the organization is located, call for exact directions (24) _________ advance. Leave some extra time for any traffic, packing, or  unexpected events. If you are running late, call right away and let someone know. The best time to arrive is approximately 5 – 10 minutes early. Give yourself the time to read your resume one more time, to catch your breath, and to be ready for the interview. Once you are at the office, treat everyone you encounter with repect. Be (25) _________ to everyone as soon as you walk in the door.

Wear a professional business suit. This point should be emphasized enough. First (26) __________ are extremely important in the interview process. Women should (27) ________ wearing too much jewelry or make up. Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too much perfume. It is also important that you feel comfortable. While a suit is the standard interview attire in a business environment, if you think it is an informal environment, call before and ask. Regardless, you can never be overdressed it you are wearing a tailored suit.

If you do not know (23) ___________ the organization is located,

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Đáp án C

- When: chỉ thời gian

- Why: chỉ lý do

- Where: chỉ nơi chốn

- That: là đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho who, whom, which

Ta thấy phía sau có động từ “locate” (đặt vào vị trí) => chọn where

Đáp án C (Nếu bạn không biết cơ sở đó được đặt ở đâu ....)

Câu 2:


Always arrive early. If you do not know (23) ___________ the organization is located, call for exact directions (24) _________ advance. Leave some extra time for any traffic, packing, or  unexpected events. If you are running late, call right away and let someone know. The best time to arrive is approximately 5 – 10 minutes early. Give yourself the time to read your resume one more time, to catch your breath, and to be ready for the interview. Once you are at the office, treat everyone you encounter with repect. Be (25) _________ to everyone as soon as you walk in the door.

Wear a professional business suit. This point should be emphasized enough. First (26) __________ are extremely important in the interview process. Women should (27) ________ wearing too much jewelry or make up. Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too much perfume. It is also important that you feel comfortable. While a suit is the standard interview attire in a business environment, if you think it is an informal environment, call before and ask. Regardless, you can never be overdressed it you are wearing a tailored suit.

call for exact directions (24) _________ advance.

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Đáp án B

- In advance: trước

E.g: It’s cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. (Nếu bạn đặt vé trước thì rẻ hơn.)

Đáp án B (Nếu bạn không biết cơ sở đó được đặt ở đâu thì hãy hỏi đường đi trước.)

Câu 3:


Always arrive early. If you do not know (23) ___________ the organization is located, call for exact directions (24) _________ advance. Leave some extra time for any traffic, packing, or  unexpected events. If you are running late, call right away and let someone know. The best time to arrive is approximately 5 – 10 minutes early. Give yourself the time to read your resume one more time, to catch your breath, and to be ready for the interview. Once you are at the office, treat everyone you encounter with repect. Be (25) _________ to everyone as soon as you walk in the door.

Wear a professional business suit. This point should be emphasized enough. First (26) __________ are extremely important in the interview process. Women should (27) ________ wearing too much jewelry or make up. Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too much perfume. It is also important that you feel comfortable. While a suit is the standard interview attire in a business environment, if you think it is an informal environment, call before and ask. Regardless, you can never be overdressed it you are wearing a tailored suit.

Be (25) _________ to everyone as soon as you walk in the door.

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Đáp án B

- Happy (adj): vui mừng, hạnh phúc

- Pleasant (adj): thân thiện và lịch sự

+ Pleasant to sb: thân thiện với ai

E.g: Please try to be pleasant to our guests.

- Disappointed (ad)): thất vọng

- Excited (adj): hào hứng

Đáp án B (Hãy tỏ ra thân thiện với mọi người ngay khi bạn vừa bước vào.)

Câu 4:


Always arrive early. If you do not know (23) ___________ the organization is located, call for exact directions (24) _________ advance. Leave some extra time for any traffic, packing, or  unexpected events. If you are running late, call right away and let someone know. The best time to arrive is approximately 5 – 10 minutes early. Give yourself the time to read your resume one more time, to catch your breath, and to be ready for the interview. Once you are at the office, treat everyone you encounter with repect. Be (25) _________ to everyone as soon as you walk in the door.

Wear a professional business suit. This point should be emphasized enough. First (26) __________ are extremely important in the interview process. Women should (27) ________ wearing too much jewelry or make up. Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too much perfume. It is also important that you feel comfortable. While a suit is the standard interview attire in a business environment, if you think it is an informal environment, call before and ask. Regardless, you can never be overdressed it you are wearing a tailored suit.

First (26) __________ are extremely important in the interview process.

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Đáp án C

- Attendance (n): sự tham dự

- Attention (n): sự chú ý

- Impression (n): ấn tượng

- Pressure (n): áp lực

Đáp án c (Ấn tượng ban đầu rất quan trọng trong quá trình phỏng vấn.)

Câu 5:


Always arrive early. If you do not know (23) ___________ the organization is located, call for exact directions (24) _________ advance. Leave some extra time for any traffic, packing, or  unexpected events. If you are running late, call right away and let someone know. The best time to arrive is approximately 5 – 10 minutes early. Give yourself the time to read your resume one more time, to catch your breath, and to be ready for the interview. Once you are at the office, treat everyone you encounter with repect. Be (25) _________ to everyone as soon as you walk in the door.

Wear a professional business suit. This point should be emphasized enough. First (26) __________ are extremely important in the interview process. Women should (27) ________ wearing too much jewelry or make up. Men should avoid flashy suits or wearing too much perfume. It is also important that you feel comfortable. While a suit is the standard interview attire in a business environment, if you think it is an informal environment, call before and ask. Regardless, you can never be overdressed it you are wearing a tailored suit.

Women should (27) ________ wearing too much jewelry or make up.

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Đáp án A

- Avoid (v): tránh

- Suggest (v): đề nghị

- Enjoy (v): thích

- Mind (v): phiền, ngại

Sau những động từ này thì động từ theo sau phải ở dạng V-ing, nhưng xét về nghĩa thì chỉ có “avoid” phù hợp

Đáp án A (Phụ nữ nên tránh mang quá nhiều nữ trang hoặc trang điểm quá đậm.)

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