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Câu 1:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


Until recently, vegetarianism was fairly uncommon in Britain, and it is still considered strange by some. But since the 1960s its popularity has increased greatly, to the (1) ________ that high street stores stock a hugevariety of products for vegetarians. The reasons people give for not eating meat are numerous. Perhaps (2) _________ vegetarians do it for moral reasons, arguing that it is wrong to kill. The opposing point of view is that it is natural for us to kill for food, and that we have evolved to do so. Still, there are societies where eating meat is not allowed because it is (3) _________ their religion. There are other good reasons to give up meat, one of which is the inefficiency of livestock farming. A single field of soya bean plants can actually produce 200 times as much protein as the number of cattle which could be raised on the same area of land, so a vegetarian world might be a world without hunger. (4) ________ it is, in theory, cheaper to eat only vegetables, vegetarianism is most popular in richer countries such as Germany and Britain, where many people exclude meat for health reasons. In these countries, at least, it (5) ________ to be a matter of choice rather than necessity.

Điền ô số 1

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Kiến thức: Cụm từ

Giải thích:

to the extent that: đến mức

But since the 1960s its popularity has increased greatly, to the (1) extent that high street stores stock a huge variety of products for vegetarians.

Tạm dịch: Nhưng kể từ những năm 1960, mức độ phổ biến của nó đã tăng lên rất nhiều, đến mức các cửa hàng trên đường phố cao cấp dự trữ rất nhiều sản phẩm cho người ăn chay.

Chọn A

Câu 2:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


Until recently, vegetarianism was fairly uncommon in Britain, and it is still considered strange by some. But since the 1960s its popularity has increased greatly, to the (1) ________ that high street stores stock a hugevariety of products for vegetarians. The reasons people give for not eating meat are numerous. Perhaps (2) _________ vegetarians do it for moral reasons, arguing that it is wrong to kill. The opposing point of view is that it is natural for us to kill for food, and that we have evolved to do so. Still, there are societies where eating meat is not allowed because it is (3) _________ their religion. There are other good reasons to give up meat, one of which is the inefficiency of livestock farming. A single field of soya bean plants can actually produce 200 times as much protein as the number of cattle which could be raised on the same area of land, so a vegetarian world might be a world without hunger. (4) ________ it is, in theory, cheaper to eat only vegetables, vegetarianism is most popular in richer countries such as Germany and Britain, where many people exclude meat for health reasons. In these countries, at least, it (5) ________ to be a matter of choice rather than necessity.

Điền ô số 2

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Kiến thức: Lượng từ

Giải thích:

A. lots (đại từ): số lượng lớn           B. much (adj): nhiều

C. almost (phó từ): hầu như, gần như                             D. most (adj): phần lớn, hầu hết

Perhaps (2) most vegetarians do it for moral reasons, arguing that it is wrong to kill.

Tạm dịch: Có lẽ hầu hết những người ăn chay làm điều đó vì lý do đạo đức, cho rằng việc giết chóc là sai.

Chọn D

Câu 3:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


Until recently, vegetarianism was fairly uncommon in Britain, and it is still considered strange by some. But since the 1960s its popularity has increased greatly, to the (1) ________ that high street stores stock a hugevariety of products for vegetarians. The reasons people give for not eating meat are numerous. Perhaps (2) _________ vegetarians do it for moral reasons, arguing that it is wrong to kill. The opposing point of view is that it is natural for us to kill for food, and that we have evolved to do so. Still, there are societies where eating meat is not allowed because it is (3) _________ their religion. There are other good reasons to give up meat, one of which is the inefficiency of livestock farming. A single field of soya bean plants can actually produce 200 times as much protein as the number of cattle which could be raised on the same area of land, so a vegetarian world might be a world without hunger. (4) ________ it is, in theory, cheaper to eat only vegetables, vegetarianism is most popular in richer countries such as Germany and Britain, where many people exclude meat for health reasons. In these countries, at least, it (5) ________ to be a matter of choice rather than necessity.

Điền ô số 3

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Kiến thức: Giới từ

Giải thích:

A. opposite: đối diện                       B. against: chống lại

C. beside: bên cạnh                         D. across: phía bên kia

Still, there are societies where eating meat is not allowed because it is (3) against their religion.

Tạm dịch: Tuy nhiên, có những xã hội mà việc ăn thịt không được phép vì nó chống lại tôn giáo của họ.

Chọn B

Câu 4:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


Until recently, vegetarianism was fairly uncommon in Britain, and it is still considered strange by some. But since the 1960s its popularity has increased greatly, to the (1) ________ that high street stores stock a hugevariety of products for vegetarians. The reasons people give for not eating meat are numerous. Perhaps (2) _________ vegetarians do it for moral reasons, arguing that it is wrong to kill. The opposing point of view is that it is natural for us to kill for food, and that we have evolved to do so. Still, there are societies where eating meat is not allowed because it is (3) _________ their religion. There are other good reasons to give up meat, one of which is the inefficiency of livestock farming. A single field of soya bean plants can actually produce 200 times as much protein as the number of cattle which could be raised on the same area of land, so a vegetarian world might be a world without hunger. (4) ________ it is, in theory, cheaper to eat only vegetables, vegetarianism is most popular in richer countries such as Germany and Britain, where many people exclude meat for health reasons. In these countries, at least, it (5) ________ to be a matter of choice rather than necessity .

Điền ô số 4

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Kiến thức: Liên từ

Giải thích:

A. Although: mặc dù                      B. Since: bởi vì

C. Despite + N: mặc cho                 D. Therefore: vì vậy

(4) Although it is, in theory, cheaper to eat only vegetables, vegetarianism is most popular in richer countries such as Germany and Britain, where many people exclude meat for health reasons.

Tạm dịch: Mặc dù về lý thuyết, chỉ ăn rau thì rẻ hơn, ăn chay phổ biến nhất ở các nước giàu hơn như Đức và Anh, nơi nhiều người loại trừ thịt vì lý do sức khỏe.

Chọn A

Câu 5:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


Until recently, vegetarianism was fairly uncommon in Britain, and it is still considered strange by some. But since the 1960s its popularity has increased greatly, to the (1) ________ that high street stores stock a hugevariety of products for vegetarians. The reasons people give for not eating meat are numerous. Perhaps (2) _________ vegetarians do it for moral reasons, arguing that it is wrong to kill. The opposing point of view is that it is natural for us to kill for food, and that we have evolved to do so. Still, there are societies where eating meat is not allowed because it is (3) _________ their religion. There are other good reasons to give up meat, one of which is the inefficiency of livestock farming. A single field of soya bean plants can actually produce 200 times as much protein as the number of cattle which could be raised on the same area of land, so a vegetarian world might be a world without hunger. (4) ________ it is, in theory, cheaper to eat only vegetables, vegetarianism is most popular in richer countries such as Germany and Britain, where many people exclude meat for health reasons. In these countries, at least, it (5) ________ to be a matter of choice rather than necessity.

Điền ô số 5

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Kiến thức: Phrasal verb

Giải thích:

A. finishes off: kết thúc

B. goes through: trải qua

C. comes up: nảy lên (ý tưởng)

D. turns out: hóa ra (để chỉ cái gì được biết đến hay phát hiện ra một cách bất ngờ.)

In these countries, at least, it (5) turns out to be a matter of choice rather than necessity.

Tạm dịch: Ở những nước này, ít nhất, nó trở thành vấn đề được lựa chọn hơn là điều cần thiết.

Chọn D

Dịch bài đọc:


Cho đến gần đây, việc ăn chay khá phổ biến ở Anh và nó vẫn bị một số người coi là lạ. Nhưng kể từ những năm 1960, mức độ phổ biến của nó đã tăng lên rất nhiều, đến mức các cửa hàng trên đường phố cao cấp dự trữ rất nhiều sản phẩm cho người ăn chay. Những lý do mọi người đưa ra cho việc không ăn thịt là rất nhiều. Có lẽ hầu hết những người ăn chay làm điều đó vì lý do đạo đức, cho rằng việc giết chóc là sai. Quan điểm đối lập là việc chúng ta giết để lấy thức ăn là điều tự nhiên và chúng ta đã tiến hóa để làm như vậy. Tuy nhiên, có những xã hội mà việc ăn thịt không được phép vì nó chống lại tôn giáo của họ. Có những lý do tốt khác để từ bỏ thịt, một trong số đó là sự không hiệu quả của chăn nuôi. Một cánh đồng duy nhất của cây đậu nành thực sự có thể tạo ra lượng protein gấp 200 lần số lượng gia súc có thể được nuôi trên cùng một diện tích đất, vì vậy một thế giới chay có thể là một thế giới không có đói. Mặc dù về lý thuyết, chỉ ăn rau thì rẻ hơn, ăn chay phổ biến nhất ở các nước giàu hơn như Đức và Anh, nơi nhiều người loại trừ thịt vì lý do sức khỏe. Ở những nước này, ít nhất, nó trở thành vấn đề được lựa chọn hơn là điều cần thiết.

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