ĐGNL ĐHQG HN - Sử dụng ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh - Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

884 lượt thi 15 câu hỏi 30 phút

Đề thi liên quan:

Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 2:

She _______ tennis at 4p.m yesterday.

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Câu 3:

What________ (you/do) at 8 p.m yesterday?

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Câu 4:

While my father ________(read) books, my brother ________(listen) to music.

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Câu 6:

One of the parents _____________ the children's song this time last year.

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Câu 8:

It _________(snow) when I got up this morning.

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Câu 10:

She came into room while they___________TV.

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Câu 11:

I lit the fire at 6 o'clock and it______ brightly when Tom came in at 7 o'clock.

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Câu 12:

What __________(you/do) when it __________(rain)all day before?

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Câu 13:

The car _________(not/stop) as we ____________(cross) the road.

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Câu 14:

The tree______________ in the backyard by John at 5 o'clock yesterday.

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Câu 15:

My room_______________ at 9 p.m yesterday when I arrived.

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177 Đánh giá




